2nd year: September 1990 - August 1991

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After a long summer of secretly throwing out her wardrobe and making all new clothes, it was time for River to go back to Hogwarts. Hey at least sewing class came in use for someone for once. 

River had to get up early to be able to sneak into the kitchen if she wanted to have breakfast before her parents came looking for her. She got herself dressed in a black t-shirt, black shorts and red trainers that she had tried wearing to Hogwarts last year. She's not changing out of it this year. No way. 

Once she was dressed, River snuck out of her room and to the kitchens. River had been banned from eating for 3 days but River tries eating all her meals with the house elves anyway. “Hey Woplop” River said to the main chief house elf before making herself a stack of pancakes and golden syrup. It took her about 5 minutes to cook them perfectly but it was worth the wait as they were amazing. After eating her breakfast, River went back to her room to make sure she had everything packed in her trunk for hogwarts. She was packing everything she made or had snuck out and brought, to make sure her parents couldn't destroy them. 

“What are you wearing?”

River turned around to find her 10 year old sister standing in the doorway and laughed slightly. “Wow, déjà vu. I’m wearing clothes, Pansy. Ever heard of clothes before?” River replied and turned back to her trunk. “Mummy’s not going to like that” a voice that once said that with fear now said it with no emotions at all. River rolled her eyes “guess the training kicked in with you” 

“River, this is serious. Mummy will hurt you”

“I don't care, Pansy. I'm not going to pretend anymore. I'm 12 years old. I'm almost a teenager. I'm old enough to be myself” 

“But River…” 

“Just go Pansy before mother comes” 

Pansy quickly walks away and River goes back to fashioning her trunk. She didn't even turn around when she heard her mother walk into the room.

 “River, what are you wearing?”

“I can see where Pansy gets her brains from. I'm wearing clothes mother” 

“Don't be smart with me River” 

“Why are you too dumb to understand me?” 

River finally turns around to face her mum as her mum pulls her wand. “Hold out your arm” 

“Now I wouldn't do that” 

“And why not, River?” 

“Because I don't have sleeves and I'm sure as hell not wearing a cardigan this year. So people will ask questions if they see a bruise on my arms” 

Lady Parkinson was about to say something when Nyssa the house elf appeared “Nyssa's sorry for disturbing Mistresses but master sent Nyssa to get you both. Master says its time to leave” Lady Parkinson nods and puts her wand away “your lucky this time, River. But when you come home for Christmas, your father will know how to punish you”. With that she walked away and River followed to leave as Nyssa took the trunk.

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