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Tonight was weird. I think it is safe to say that, although a lot more was about to happen. A LOT of things.

Bella’s Pov:

When I turned to look at Kate, I don’t know what happened but she I mean Kate is my entire world now. Wow, I do not know where that came from.

‘’Kate I'm just go and shift outside for a minute cuz something has just happened that I do not know about ‘’

‘’of course, bells go right ahead can I watch ‘’ She looks as if she would be blushing if she were human.

“Ya sure?’’

I honestly do not know why she wants to watch but ill let her because she hasn’t seen me in wolf form yet

As soon as we were outside, I quickly pulled off my clothes. Looks at Kate and um lets tease her abit shall I.

‘’Kate love can I have a hug please I am feeling a bit too warm’’ I give her a cheeky smile.

‘’well... okay then ‘Kate says looking flustered.

To be honest with you I actually broke a vampire and honestly I’m loving every tiny bit of it.

I thought about all the people I hated and why I hated them and I’m now a wolf, I’m never getting used to that. I was going to shout Kate over here but a growl came out and aww nooo I saw hurt on her face. I’m going to have to fix that.

*wines* lowers down to the ground and slowly crawls towards my mate.

Once I am near her I slowly rub my head on her hand to say sorry.

‘’Bella why have you phased?’’ Sam speaks up.

‘’Sam something happened tonight, and I don’t know why or what happened’’

‘’show me by thinking of the past event that happened bells’’ OMG is that dad

‘’yes, it is bells’’ hey dad totally not weird at all

....shows everything that happened........

‘Well dad, what does that mean?’’ I asked him.

‘’Well that means you imprinted on the bloodsucker’’ I think that’s Jake.

‘’Jake, be nice or your running patrol for a month at nighttime’’ Sam shouts at him.

‘’yes, Sam sorry Bella’’ Jake apologises

‘’well Bella, I thought you were jakes mate at first but I can clearly see I’m wrong about this’’

“Umm me and Jake were only friends nothing more Sam, um dad before you left the house earlier what was that wink for”

‘’idk what you're talking about bells’’

“Ya ok bye talk later’’

***phased back***

Hey Kate, are you okay why would you move’’

‘’because you were growling, I thought you hated me’’

“No Kate, I love you, not hate you’’
“Aww I love you too bells’’

Once that happened, we went inside and told her about imprinting, all Kate did was smile and ask questions about imprinting and carried on smiling.

Kate's pov:
I was listening to Bella talking about imprinting and that she imprinted on me and that she could never leave me for anyone else. I just smiled and listened more until my phone rang, I asked her if she minded me taking it, she said no it’s alright,

***phone call***

K: hey what is up?.

A: hey Kate I thought to let you know that Victoria is in forks so just be careful, okay Kate.

K: okay is that all it is just I’m with bella now.

A: I know you are but no dickward wants us to come back because ‘’he misses her’’ and wants her back.

K: well Alice he is not going to get her cuz she is a wolf and she imprinted on me Alice, she’s my mate Alice.

A: I know will you tell Bella that me jasper and Emmett and rose did not want to leave and when we come back which is in two days we will explain why. I have to go Edward is snooping around bye.

K: bye ali...*call ended*

Hey Bella um *messing with hair* victoriaisinforksandthecullenswillbehereintwodays.’’

‘’Okay, wait what Kate calm down, I heard all the call anyway, I am not mad at those four, but I do hate Carlisle, Esme, and snob ward, get it he is a snob, and his name has ward in it, SNOBWARD anyway please can we get off topic with them and relax please’’

oh god here comes puppy eyes on count of three. THREE TWO ONE aww she looks so adorable.

‘’okay let us relax’’

He broke my heart but she helped fix it Where stories live. Discover now