Psychic Magic

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Psychic mages are less common than elementals. They are deeply attuned with their magic and can manipulate it at its rawest form - they don't need to channel it into elements (they can, though).

This opens them up to many more abilities and applications than their elemental counterparts. Psychics can perform rituals, enchantments, and even exude a level of control over others. By manipulating their raw magic they can also conjure projectiles of energy and other destructive attacks.

While psychic mages may seem strictly better than elementals, this is not the case - psychic mages have much more complex magic and many of them take years to harness it correctly. Psychics often give up due to the difficult training and the huge commitment they must make in order to fully utilize their gifts. Elementals have a far easier time reaching their potential. On the other hand, simply having the wrong mentor can stunt a psychic for life.

Psychic magic is any magical application that isn't an element. Even healing spells are among subsets of psychic magic. Medical magic will be covered more in-depth in a later chapter.

Notable Psychic Spells:


This involves moving an object with the user's mind. In most cases, this is used for day-to-day convenience, but has been seen in extreme acts of violence and skill.

It becomes considerably advanced depending on proximity, number of objects, weight of objects, field of vision, the user's quality of breathing, and other details.

Psychic Crystals

Another common application of psychic magic. This spell involves conjuring crystals which match the user's magic color. This often serves artistic purposes, but can be weaponized.


Telepathy is the act of speaking with others via thoughts. In some cases, this requires consent from both parties and in other cases it does not. This has also been utilized by pioneer psychics in the creation of broadcasting crystals - gem-like objects which can be used to send messages across vast distances.


A surprisingly advanced ability, teleportation is using one's mind to instantly change locations. Typically, this won't succeed unless the user has visited their desired location previously.


An often sinister power, hypnosis requires eye contact between the caster and target.

Hypnosis influences a person to follow the caster's whims. The effects are usually subtle, but a powerful mage can bend their targets' will to near perfect obedience. It should be noted that hypnosis can be resisted.

Mind Control

This is a genetic mutation of hypnosis. It has only been seen in Celeste Superbia to date. Far less compromising than its original counterpart, Mind Control will almost entirely consume the free will of its target every time. It doesn't require eye contact. After release, victims have foggy memories of the transpired events. This horrific spell can give the victim a glimpse into the caster's mind, however, so it must be used with caution. This is one of many psychic spells which directly target the brain, and therefore is ineffective on Boofbamians.

Sealing Spells

These are a type of ritual and are used to contain or trap something, often a person.

Some take the form of sigils which, when visualized, block or stifle other spells. Sealing spells are known for their long casting time and extra requirements.


Illusions are an application of psychic power in which the user bends the senses of their target to make them witness something other than reality.

Dream Manipulation

This is an extension of illusion and telepathy. Some people claim to be victims of this without proof, and mistake a simple nightmare for a warning or an attack.


A little-known spell in which the user changes their corporeal form into that of magic energy and enters another living being's body. This can be done without the target's consent, however they are able to resist. Possession can be performed from great distances if the target either consents, or has a near-fatal injury. Corpses cannot be possessed, however - the possessor must slip in before the fatal injury has killed the target.


An esoteric spell that allows the caster to enter a deep, yet not very restful slumber. With modifications, this has been used in intervals as a way to pass time.

Energy Projectiles

Compressed, raw magical energy that is thrown, fired, or otherwise issued in order to cause mass destruction. Energy projectiles come in many forms, from explosions to laser beams and everything in between. They match the color of the user's magic.


One of the most academic forms of magic, rituals take planning, patience, and materials.

A skilled enough psychic mage can organize and develop rituals to do almost anything. Should it not offend the mage's moral code, blood may be added to greatly reinforce rituals.


Like rituals, enchantments may require an element of planning that other spells don't. Enchantments are cast upon objects; they can change the object's traits or add specific conditions to it. (For example: whoever reads this epitaph will lose their vision.)


This spell is used to change something into another. It's an esoteric, advanced spell. It can be used on living beings, but this is difficult and may even require a special rite. Something with a soul cannot be changed into something without a soul, and vice versa. This is an especially exhausting spell which takes a lot out of its caster.

Energy Manipulation

Similar to projectiles, but used with greater tact. Weapons crafted of pure magic are often the goal when manipulating arcane energy this way.

List is not exhaustive.

Proceed to the next chapter to learn the horrors of black magic. 

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