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Of the three progenitor species, Boofbamians have been explored the least. Little is known about them; they are rarely mentioned in the novels.

Their appearance has, to date, looked human save for some implications of subtle insectoid traits. Casper, the only significant Boofbamian character so far, wears very concealing clothing so it is difficult to pick out any inhuman qualities he may have. Yet it should be noted that The Ruler's Rift described him to have a dagger stored in his "wrist's segments". Also, his fellow Boofbamian comrades were said to have clicking joints.

Perhaps their most notable trait, however, is their decentralized nervous system. Like a jellyfish, octopus, or cockroach, Boofbamians do not have a brain in their head but rather many neurons evenly arrayed among their whole body. Despite this, a Boofbamian's head looks entirely human on the outside.

Lacking a brain grants surprising benefits. Boofbamians can survive head wounds which would be fatal for other species, and they are fully immune to spells which directly target a brain. In theory, they could even survive being decapitated.

Consequently, Boofbamians are the only species with a soul that cannot inherit magic whatsoever. They are always true mundanes. Keep in mind they are still at the mercy of spells that don't require the victim's brain. This includes elemental magic, and even most psychic abilities do not have to attack the brain in particular. Yet immunity to spells like mind control and hypnosis is not to be taken lightly.

Boofbamians were (and still are) the most technologically advanced species in the OSL universe. They were the first to build and use spaceships, guns, and other scientific tools.

The planet Boofbamia itself is never shown in its prime, only in its ravaged, halved state where it is described as having man-made cords like a spider's web between the two hemispheres.

Notable Boofbamians:

- Casper

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