Black Magic

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Also known as dark magic, this acidic energy is a corrupted version of a mage's original magic, rather than its own entity. This is why a full wielder cannot switch back to their pure magic. It is forever stained.

Black magic is genetically exclusive and cannot be learned by either a psychic or an elemental mage. It can, however, be inherited into either category. For a person to awaken dark magic, their entire ancestry must be marred by hatred - at least one of the parents in every generation must be hateful. Hatred is not simple anger or a rough upbringing; it is deep, constant animosity. It is a lasting ill will.

In this way, black magic is built up as a chain. If even one generation of someone's ancestry does not include a hateful mother or father, the chain is broken and starts all over. Thankfully, this process makes dark magic exceedingly rare. The universe of OSL has only seen one full wielder in all its history - Violet Xavierras.

A full wielder is at the peak of their chain. While no exact number of required generations has been stated, OSL implies it to be at least hundreds. With a chain of hatred that deep in their ancestry, a mage will find their magic corrupted if they themselves should ever give in to their own enmity. From that point, their magic is blackened forever and they have complete access to its abilities.

A partial wielder is one generation off from the chain's peak. At one generation away, they can only use black magic in very short bursts, and their mystic energy won't be forever ruined. Heather Invidoak and Vivian Xavierras are examples of this. Partial wielders cannot make full use of dark magic's power, and they will be killed by it far more easily than a full wielder. Anyone in the bloodline who isn't the chain's peak or one generation away cannot use black magic whatsoever. They likely won't even realize what they're a part of.

Contrary to expectations, this magic of death and evil has a sweet, pleasant scent. This reflects its tempting, addictive, and overpowering nature.

Black magic is generally considered the most powerful type of magic in Our Spellbinding Lies, however that comes at immense cost. Healing spells are highly ineffective on a corrupted mage. Dark magic can even make those nearby feel physically ill. Additionally, it is quite literally acidic and burns away the mental and physical health of its user. Looking at Violet Xavierras, we see several effects black magic has had on her:

- Exhaustion

- Brain tissue stained black

- Acidic cerebrospinal fluid

- Thickened, darkened blood

- Internal bleeding

- Brain cavities

- Severe weight loss

- Clouded pupils

- Increased aggression

- Hallucinations, both auditory and visual

- Unstable mood

- Brittle bones

- Loosened ligaments, tendons, and cartilage (allows for easy contortion)

- Hunger for souls

List is not exhaustive.

Black magic will kill most users quickly. If a mage can control it, they will survive the degenerative effects longer and will be blessed with some of the arcane's greatest abilities. Corrupted elemental magic simply turns the elements black and grants them decaying properties. In the hands of a psychic, however, dark magic shows its true power by adding these to its user's skillset:

Soul Absorption

With dark magic, souls are visible. This causes a lust for them, in which the corrupted mage's aggression and hunger will tempt them to slay others in order to absorb their souls. Devouring a soul gives them a portion of the victim's raw power. This can lead to infinite potential.


Curses are much like enchantments but far more potent. They are used with wicked intent and are powered by the caster's vengefulness. Unlike enchantments, they are often cast directly onto a person rather than an object. Particularly powerful curses can have destiny-wide effects and may last many years. Oddly, the user is not entirely, consciously willing the curse into existence; they speak words that just come to them. It is as if they are simply transcribing fate into words.


This is a complex, legendary spell that is among the most difficult to cast. It also has the most demanding requirements to attempt. Using the soul-manipulating abilities of a dark mage and the power of Creation Magic (discussed later), the remnants of a deceased's soul can be theoretically regathered and then put back into an exact, corporeal fit crafted by Creation.

Resurrection is the only way the dead can be revived. It has only succeeded once.

If the victim has been killed by a black magic user, then their soul is melted down and destroyed; they cannot be revived even by Resurrection.

Third Eye

This manifests over the forehead of its bearer as a sigil of an eye. It is the result of dark magic infecting all three Divine Keys (discussed later). It bolsters its owner's psychic powers while it is open, and it grants similar abilities to the Creation Pool. The eye moves in sync with the user's organic pair.

Uncompromising Rot

Black magic is death and wrath - this is reflected in its ability to irreversibly rot anything, even its wielder's own soul, body, and mind.

List is not exhaustive.

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