Anatomy and Magic

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The workings and channeling of magic in OSL is deeply tied to both its user's soul and body. Many parts of the body play a significant role in manipulating mystical energy into spells and elements.

Magic begins in a person's soul. That is where it is housed from birth. After usage, it can be restored by its user resting.

For a mage to use their magic, they must pour it from their soul and into the rest of their body. This is done internally and isn't visible whatsoever. It's an act of pure will. At this point, mystical energy will flow through the user's blood and collects most fervently in the optic nerves. Psychic magic, in particular, will also coalesce heavily in its wielder's brain. Some spells are even mentioned to require the pineal gland specifically. In addition, the spine can sustain shivers of magic.

Eyes are the most magical organ, despite the brain being very relevant to many psychic spells. (They are connected, of course.) Eyeballs channel magic; they make it real. They transfer it from intangible will to tangible results. This is why magic manifests from the eyes while in use.

Hands are another arcane piece of the body - some spells require hand and finger motions, which may cause energy to manifest there, too. From the hands is also where most destructive magic is issued.

Wings, if they are present, are very tied to the arcane. They are summoned and concealed via magic, and have even been shown to be weaponized (Violet Xavierras uses her wings to launch her most devastating laser beam; it quite literally is fired from them). Wings are exclusive to deities so they are not necessary to use magic.

Eyes, however, very much are. If the eyeballs are removed, a mage will be very, very limited in how they can channel their magic. It has also been shown that a mage's eyeballs, once isolated, can be a potent ingredient for rituals. Blood as well.

Cutting off a mage's hands will also limit them, but not nearly as much as the loss of their eyes. Wings can't be removed, as they are summoned onto and off of their owner's back at will.

Binding a mage's hands and covering their eyes is taught as a method of self-defense. Only a very skilled sorcerer will be able to operate as normal under these conditions. It's most effective on elementals, but even psychics are usually rendered helpless by this technique.

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