Magical Markings

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Some of those who inherit magic are born with skin markings - patterns of various colors and symbols upon their flesh. This can happen to both psychics and elementals, but sometimes won't occur at all even on a person born with high aptitude for the arcane.

Like many things in OSL, the color, shape, and placement of these markings is largely influenced by ancestry. They are usually black, but can be colorful. They can show up anywhere on the skin.

While a person's magical markings won't change significantly at any point, they can subtly grow and become more complex with age. Celeste Superbia is a great example of this. Her eye markings lengthened farther down her nose as she matured.

As these markings are natural from birth, they cannot be washed off or even flayed away - if and when the outer dermis heals, the markings will return as well.

Though it may go without saying, true mundanes cannot be born with magical markings. The marks seem to be more common on those born with ample magic in their soul, but they can also be totally absent. Willow has no magic markings, despite having been born with much potential. 

Proceed to learn about elementals' and psychics' particular abilities.

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