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One of the universe's first species, Sages were infamous for their immense population, conquering methods, and high standards. They originally hailed from planet Adrapise, a massive world of tropical climate with lush rainforests, clear waters, and ornate architecture.

The Sages matched their planet and their culture with their own beauty. A staple of Sages is their white hair and cyan eyes. Males are often quite tall, easily 6ft+ in adulthood with females a bit smaller at a more average human height. Sage men are somewhat feminine themselves, seeing such an appearance as beautiful regardless of sex or gender. Indeed, even in present OSL the remaining Sages (all men), are considered attractive by many other characters.

Sages have an omnivorous diet and can eat most anything, but they are picky given their generational superiority complex. Many of them stubbornly denied food that wasn't of the finest quality, insisting that they physically couldn't digest something average or plain. This was never true.

Speaking of their superiority complex, Adrapise and its Sages' culture was steeped in beauty. Sages placed beauty above the relevance of all else, be it physical or metaphorical gorgeousness. As such, they had great appreciation for art and storytelling as well as makeup, clothing, and crafting. Baby Sages deemed ugly by their parents' standards were cast out or killed in their crib. This was socially acceptable for them. Sages even selected their most prominent ruler, Queen Taltaylia, based on her appearance and little more.

Taltaylia was born with green eyes, a mutation that set her apart from all other Sages. This alone elevated her to royal status, ignoring even the rest of her angelic appearance. Where many may assume that such a species would consider mutations as impurities, Taltaylia's emerald eyes were nearly worshiped, praised as a sign of her 'destiny to rule'.

She quickly accepted the throne and it was she who sent the Sages into their infamous conquest. She had five sons with her husband Semiory, the eldest of whom having inherited her green eyes. If his status as firstborn wasn't enough, his eyes secured him as Taltaylia's heir.

It wasn't long before a Boofbamian ship touched down upon Adrapise for the first time. Although these visitors had no ill intent and simply arrived for research, the natives had a different idea. Sages were in awe at the ship - largely for its shiny metal - and needed to learn more. Seeing themselves as superior to all, the Sages had no qualms with kidnapping the Boofbamian visitors and forcing them to teach their captors about interstellar travel and the material with which their ship was made.

Through these crimes Sages swiftly advanced enough to reach Boofbamia and Mystearlia alike. Taltaylia was interested in the former's technology and the latter's magic, neither of which her people had. However they did have numbers which eclipsed the other two species combined, and a love for beauty that could never be sated.

Taltaylia wasted no time ordering her people to pillage the neighboring planets of anything beautiful. Plants, delicacies, cultures, artworks, materials, and anything else deemed gorgeous was stolen. All resistance was met with retaliation tenfold. The Sages completely overwhelmed their neighbors with sheer numbers.

Few Sages opposed their queen - most of them were in full support of the stolen blessings she showered upon Adrapise. She was cunning, brutal, and beautiful, like her sons to follow.

The only one safe from the Sages' interference was Arcturus, the Asqura who wandered the cosmos between. He had split Boofbamia in half, and Taltaylia knew better than to mess with him despite his entrancing, iridescent scales.

Sages were deeply hated for their pillaging, most intensely by the Boofbamians. These two species erupted in all-out war. Mystearlians attempted to mind their own business as much as possible.

Not too long after the war's beginning, the early universe fell.

Notable Sages:

- Charles

- Keith

- Alfonso

- Harold

- Jack

- Taltaylia

- Semiory

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