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This species is the closest thing OSL has to demons; they are directly called such on several occasions. They come from planet Mystearlia, a world with an icy, snowy surface that hides endless evil in its depths.

Mystearlia's crust is calm, cold, and full of arcane wonders. It has pale vegetation, complete with white branches and leaves. Additionally, there are candle-like trees on the surface and two moons in the sky.

Deep under the frozen ground is a bleak contrast. Far beneath the surface is an environment which can only be called hellish. The Ruler's Rift describes Mystearlia's innards as an expansive cavern so large that it "may as well have been its own world". Stalagmites are compared to skyscrapers, and the depths are full of molten blood, magma, and corpses which stuff the earth tight. Such earth itself bleeds - a place of torture and wicked pleasure alike.

Most Mystearlians will never glimpse the depths, thankfully. They all have horns and a long, colorful tongue. The horns of a Mystearlian are said to be those of a dragon or demon, and their size reflects the individual's capacity for sin. Large horns, like those of Celeste Superbia, are quite rare.

A Mystearlian's tongue is critical to their diet. They are almost entirely carnivorous in the traditional sense, but in another unique sense, too - Mystearlians must consume blood vessels to survive.

Like vampires, the consumption begins with a bite to the neck or other soft part of the body. Mystearlians' fangs inject a neurotoxin which causes drowsiness and paralysis. This stills the victim while the long tongue is inserted into the wound. It slithers under the skin and tangles itself between the victim's larger veins and arteries, then pulls them out like thread, to be eaten.

Oddly, Mystearlians seem put off by the idea of consuming blood vessels from a deceased animal, even if it is still warm.

This species' society is bathed in what many would consider sinfulness. Mystearlians gorge themselves with food, sex, and any other worldly pleasure they can find. Most of these demons revel in irony, yet they wished to avoid conflict with neighboring worlds. They have deep ties to magic - deeper than any other species, in fact. Although all people are affected by the magic of their birth planet, Mystearlians were the very first to house magic within, and to channel it into spells and elements.

Corrupted Mystearlians

Despite Mystearlians' culture of self-satisfaction and lawlessness, there is one rule they almost universally agree upon. It is called the Mystearlian Code, and it states that one must never consume the blood vessels of a sentient being. In other words, anyone with a soul. Those who broke this code would often disappear, rarely (if ever) to be seen again.

Deep into Mystearlia is where they ventured.

The depths can only be accessed by a corrupted Mystearlian. Teleporting inside isn't an option, and anyone who hasn't broken the code will be melted by the world's digestion. In the depths, corrupted Mystearlians engage in violence, orgies, and eventually merge with the planet if they so choose.

Being digested and merging are two very different things, the former is forced and painful while the latter is willing and blissful.

There is more. Corrupted Mystearlians face a truly horrific penalty. Consuming blood vessels of the sentient results in the awakening of a proxy. This is a face that is fused into the spine of its host. It has no will of its own and is in fact controlled by its host, albeit on such a subconscious level that Mystearlians truly believe their proxy is a separate entity. Its emergence causes their psyche to open up, resulting in a greater longing for Mystearlia and the recollection of memories lost.

Proxies usually rest under the skin, but after awakening they can show themselves via the host's back opening up. Like Mystearlian horns, a proxy's appearance is tied to the owner's capacity for twistedness. The more wicked the owner, the more disfigured and haunting the face will appear. In Celeste's case, her capacity for evil was so great that her proxy couldn't comprehend a face fitting enough, and 'malfunctioned' resulting in the surface of the face simply being removed. It resembles a front-facing MRI. In a bit of irony, this outcome is perhaps awful enough to suit Celeste after all.

After The Boofbamians' Machine went haywire and most of the universe's population had begun dying, the last Mystearlians bestowed immense power upon Taltaylia's five surviving sons. This was by force, and was an act of vengeance. It was the Sages who sought to conquer the early universe, and now they would bear that very burden. This is the only instance in OSL where magic was given to an entity that didn't have any originally. Creation Magic was born from this act, and forced upon the eldest son, Charles, as the cruelest punishment. It would be his doom to rebuild the universe for eternity.

The Mystearlians weren't content with dying off, however. They crafted a spell of longevity and intended to leave it with one male Mystearlian who would be tasked with bringing females to Mystearlia and impregnating them - this would ensure more demons birthed.

Such a plan was usurped by Cassius, who desired to restart the race himself - with a maiden he found fitting rather than planting Mystearlians in just anyone.

Notable Mystearlians:

- Cassius Superbia

- Celeste Superbia

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