I'm Sid Vicious

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Sid and Vanity walked the streets of New York together. They were heading to Tiffany and Mickey's hotel. Tiffany had booked all three of them in for a methadone dose because the drugs had been incredibly hard to get their hands on, and withdrawal was beginning to kick in.

Sid and Vanity had done an interview where they were sat on deck chairs in the park, Vanity was in a black tank top which had a pink skull in the middle and a pair of black shorts as she sipped on a glass of coca cola. Sid had his red Nazi vest on and his black jeans rolled up his legs and a pair of dirty blue converse.

Sid puffed on a cigarette which he passed back and forth to Vanity. Sid spoke about the Sex Pistols as Vanity sunned herself. Her skin glistened as she just enjoyed this moment. The park hardly had anyone there, and the people that were there were either old or children playing games. "What has it been like Sid? Living in America?" The reporter asked. "It's not much better than the UK really. But i mean i was glad to get out of that cycle of repeated shit like it was all just shit and i couldn't cope anymore." Sid said, his voice was hoarse as he spoke.

"what do you think about what Steve and Paul are doing now?" They asked, Sid groaned. "Don't even talk to me about those pricks. Steve and Paul are sheep, they do what Malcolm wants. follow him all over" He said with a smirk.

Sid looked over at Vanity as he watched her, she looked so relaxed and calm. Peaceful was a good word to use. It was rare to find in her these days but in the sun she looked like an angel glowing. He reached over to hold her hand, bringing it to his lips he kissed her knuckles.

"Vanity how have you found being in America? Being Sid's manager? Are the drugs easier to score out here?" the reporter asked. Sid and Vanity laughed as she looked over at Sid before answering "What a strange question." She ran her fingers through her hair and readjusted herself in her deck chair.

"No it's about the same, you say that as if i seek out to be a junkie, i don't want to be a junkie at all, neither does Sid cause it's horrible." She said and Sid squeezed her hand. "What's the worst part about being a drug addict?" The man asked her.

"The withdrawal." Vanity answered. "It's the worst because you get boiling hot and you sweat, you pour with sweat. And you just get so hot so you take your jumper off or your coat or whatever. And then you get the cold then and the sweat turns to fucking ice on you then you're freezing so you put your jumper back on and it feels alright but you get boiling again and you can't get comfortable. Like you lay down that's not comfortable, you sit up that's not comfortable. it's the worst fucking feeling ever and there's not really a way to stop it." Vanity explained the symptoms of what she and Sid go through when there were no drugs available for them.

Life wasn't easy for Sid and vanity but it was getting better. They saw Tiffany and all she was talking about was how her and Mickey were having a fight. "If i say to him put your dirty dishes in the sink, put your fucking dirty dishes in the sink and wash em! Honestly he can't even wash a dish." She exclaimed. "Like the other day, empty packet of coco pops that he had might i add, what does he do with them? put them back into the fucking cupboard! Like the bin is right next to the drawer just put it in there!" she shouted and rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't worry about it Tiff, Sid doesn't clean up after himself either" Vanity said. Sid pulled her back "oi what about that can of cola I threw away last week?" He questioned.

"You didn't throw it away. You launched it out of the balcony window and it hit someone on the head." Vanity shook her head "no harm done" Sid said. Vanity stopped walking. Her hand dropping out of Sid's.

"No harm done? It was half full being pelted out of a window and onto someone's head. You're lucky it didn't kill him" she said.

Sid, Vanity and Tiffany kept walking, Tiffany deciding to go on a short cut around the boat yards.

As they walked they heard a scuffle and someone yelp. Turning the corner they saw three large boys, around ten or eleven years old. Shoving and pushing a boy who looked younger than them.

Anger burned in Sid as he stormed over to them, Vanity following behind him. "Oi!" He shouted, they all looked over at him, still with a hold on the younger boy "leave him alone." Sid said sternly.

"He owes us some money man!" They shouted, it wasnt a surprise though. The people around this area were rude and young boys would get in gang work, even over something as simple as buying a packet of crisps from someone.

"I don't care leave him alone!" Sid said, getting more demanding at the boys. "Who even are you anyway!" They shouted. Sid causally smirked "I'm Sid Vicious" he said.

The boys faces dropped, immediately they all ran away, dispersing in different locations. Leaving just the little boy on his own.

"You alright mate?" Sid asked. "Yeah I'm okay." He said, getting up from the floor. "Are you really Sid Vicious?" He asked, rubbing his eyes from the tears. Sid nodded.

"I have all your singles. My mom loves you and the Pistols" he said softly, the boys eyes trailed to Vanity. "You're Vanity right?" He asked. She nodded and smiled.
"Do they do that often?" Sid asked. "That's the second time they've done it." The boys admitted embarrassed.

"Yeah well if they do it again, you tell em Sid's gonna fuck em up alright" Sid said ruffling the boys hair a little.

"Oh do you guys want a picture?" Tiffany asked, getting her small camera out of her purse.
"Can Vanity be in it as well?" He asked. Vanity smiled "of course" she said and picked up him in her arms. Sid stood next to them, throwing an arm over both of them.

"Big smiles!" Tiffany said holding the camera in front of her face.
Sid did his signature mouth pose and Vanity had a big smile whilst the boy held a beautiful and happy grin.

"Aww that's lovely" she smiled as the Polaroid photo came out of the bottom. She'd taken another and the second one followed out.

Sid took the boys picture from her and pulled a pen from his leather jacket pocket. Signing it.

"Here ya go mate." He said and handed him the picture. "Thank you Sid, thank you Vanity!" The little boy said and ran away, eager to shoe his mother.

"You're a right little sweetheart aren't you?" Vanity said

"I try to be" Sid replied

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