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Chester sat down at the dining room table, across from Mike. It was early, just after five a.m. The girls had just gone back down, and instead of crawling back into bed, coffee had been brought up, and Chester had easily agreed. Despite the early hour, his mind was awake as he and Mike sat across from each other, sipping the hot brew they both loved as they gazed at each other and then outside the patio doors at the first glimpse of the sunrise. It was just a barely-there bit of pink and yellow, but it was still beautiful, and romantic in a way inside Chester's head. His husband loved to sleep - always had - so sunrises weren't something they often got to enjoy together. It was a rare occasion, and Chester was happy that Mike had been the one to suggest coffee instead of bed.

The house was quiet, other than the occasional snore from Cheese, who was under the table at their feet. It was peaceful, and Chester was happy as he gazed at the shadows of their pool and the sunrise slowly creeping over it. He was extremely thankful they could afford to be in such a nice home - that their daughters could be raised in comfort with little luxuries like the pool and the spacious house they'd all come to love over the last handful of months.

He looked back at Mike, who had been quiet so far this morning, and he smiled. His husband's hair was still messy from sleep as he sat in his checkered pajama pants and white sleeping shirt. He looked adorable as he rubbed his eyes and shoved hair from his cheek, even though it didn't help. His messy locks were right back in his face, and Chester smiled. Their night had been wonderful. Dinner at the Skylight Gardens had been excellent and full of reminiscent talk of their past - their first date. Billiards came next, and Chester had come out on top, winning two out of the three games they'd played. Just as Mike suggested, they went for ice cream afterwards. They sat outside the parlor at a picnic table, looking up at the stars and holding hands. It had been almost fairytale-like.

And the icing on the cake was sex last night. It was good. We both enjoyed ourselves. I've missed him this past week. I'm glad we got to reconnect last night. Chester closed his eyes as he sipped his coffee and remembered the back and forth they'd had once they'd hit the bed. Mike had pulled Chester on top of him, and then Chester had rolled them over to put Mike on top. He smiled at the comical way it had all started, with kisses and clothes coming off while they switched positions three times before dripping dicks and needy kisses had Mike on top of him, pushing inside and making Chester's insides moan for more.

It was a good night, and Chester was relieved. It was a million times better than what happened last weekend. "What are you thinking?" Chester finally asked as he tilted his head, trying to figure out the pensive look on his husband's face.

Mike was thinking about last night, too, and it was almost a shock when Chester spoke to him. He'd been quietly thinking over their date, and how the rest of the night had gone afterwards. Like Chester, he was happy with their night out. It was how they'd made love that was on his mind, and Mike wasn't sure if he wanted to say his thoughts out loud.

He looked up and met Chester's eyes before he glanced toward Ryan and Jason's side of the house. It was quiet, but he knew they'd come home at some point. There was no desire to wake them or Julien, and Mike kept his voice low as he looked back at his husband. "Just thinking about wrestling with you last night," he said impulsively, trying to keep the mood light. "I never thought we'd be fighting over who was going to end up on top." He smiled, even though he was curious why when he'd pulled Chester over on top of him - twice - he'd been flipped back the other way. "You're always game for switching things up."

Chester felt his heart almost stop. Their quiet, romantic sunrise morning suddenly felt very serious. There were reasons, of course, why Chester had been unwilling to be on top last night, but he never thought Mike would ask. For a brief moment, Chester thought about brushing the question off to simply not being in the mood to be on top, but he knew that wasn't true, and he didn't want to lie. There was a faint hint of disappointment in Mike's voice, and Chester knew he needed to be honest about what happened.

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