Off Break

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Mike's cheeks were pink. He was laughing as he put down his cards and Jason made an annoyed face at him. The wine had made his face warm, and even though they'd promised only one glass, it had been an hour since they sat down to play gin. Mike was winning, and he wanted more wine to celebrate. "You're mad," he teased, reaching out to touch the big button on the top of Jason's pajama shirt. "You don't like to lose."

"Nobody likes to lose," Jason retorted with an eye roll. "I don't remember you being this good at this game." He waved Mike's hand away as he collected the discarded cards and started to shuffle them. "I think you're just getting lucky." He tapped the two stacks of cards together and neatly shuffled them while he narrowed his eyes at Mike.

"I could be luckier," Mike said, reaching out for his empty wine glass. "Let's have more," he suggested, looking at Jason through the hair that was covering his eyes. "We can have another glass, two glasses in two hours won't get us drunk."

Jason shuffled the cards again without looking at them. "Are you sure about that?" he said with a smile. "You get tipsy faster than anyone I've ever met."

Mike sat back, pressing a hand to his chest in mock indignation. "Me?" he asked incredulously. "Are you calling me a lightweight?"

"I absolutely am," Jason affirmed. "Maybe you don't remember the other night, but I do." He handed the deck of cards to Mike with a smirk. "Here, you deal this time, and I'll go get the bottle. Another glass and you'll be trying to jump in the pool naked again," he teased as he stood up from the couch and stretched his arms over his head before he leaned over and ran a hand up Mike's thigh, squeezing it lightly. "Not that I'd mind," he whispered before he taunted, "try not to cheat and give yourself the best cards."

"I'm not even going to deal them until you can watch," Mike said stubbornly. He'd felt his pulse quicken when Jason touched him. There had been a sliver of skin showing above Jason's pajama pants when he stretched, and now Mike was looking up at Jason hovering over him. It was so hard to be on a break and be alone. It wasn't the first time Jason had touched him over the course of the evening, and Mike had given his share of flirty grabs and looks. "Wait," he said suddenly, just as Jason let him go. Mike grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

Jason braced himself on the back of the couch, one hand above Mike and the other in Mike's hand. "Wait for what?" he asked, looking down at Mike's messy hair and pink cheeks.

"Come here," Mike insisted, pulling on Jason's hand. "Kiss me," he demanded. "I get a kiss for winning the hand."

"Oh, is that how it is?" Jason rolled his eyes, even though he was smiling. "You've won four hands."

"Then I get four kisses," Mike decided immediately. "You can't tell me no, it's the rules of the game."

"Is it, now?" Jason teased, even as he leaned over and kissed the top of Mike's head. "There's one," he said with a laugh as Mike glared up at him. "And two," he added, kissing Mike's cheek as his lover tightened the grip on his hand. Jason smirked as Mike tried to connect their lips, and he avoided the contact. "Three," he whispered before he kissed the other cheek, and he heard a soft whine from the back of Mike's throat. "Oh, Mikey, you are so needy sometimes."

Mike tugged at Jason's hand, trying to get him off balance. "I miss you," he said petulantly. "It's only fair I get a kiss now and then." Jason was still hovering close, and Mike gave him his very best I want look. "Don't you miss me a little?" he whined softly.

"Of course I do," Jason affirmed just as softly. "Tonight's been fun, even if I can't win a hand against you." He let their lips come together in a gentle kiss, sucking at Mike's pouty bottom lip for just a moment before he pulled back. Jason could feel his own pulse when they separated. Mike was right - it felt like forever since they'd even kissed - and the weeks without each other were adding up. "Let me get the wine," he whispered, putting space between them as he let Mike's hand go.

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