The Invasion

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The Man Upstairs: "Now that I'm letting you come down here and play, guess who else gets to come down here and play?"

Fiona: "Who?"

The Man Upstairs: "*echoing* Your sister."

Fiona: "What?"

The scene cuts open to the Lego world, as aliens beam down from overhead.

Emily: "Well, things sure have a way of working out smoothly. Am I right, guys? *in slow mation* What?"

Duplo Alien: "We are from the planet Duplo, and we are here to destroy you."

The camera then zooms in on the Lego characters.

Emily: "O. M. Gosh."

Lucy: "You're going to have to get past us!"

Batman: "Specially ME!"

Unikitty: "Oh, it's on!"

Metal Beard knocks Vitrivius aside off to the distance.

Vitrivius: "AARGH!!"

Emily: "Wait, guys! That's no need to fight anymore. I got this."

Lucy: "Yeah, I don't think that is a good idea."

Emily: "Don't worry sis, I have thought this one through, I promise."

She then approaches the aliens.

Emily: "*sigh* Here we go. Hello, visitors from another planet! You, are just the special... as we are. *starts building a heart* See? Friends."

Duplo Alien: "Ooh."

Emily: "Yes."

Batman: "Why are you know? It work."

Unikitty: Even though we're different, I guest if we open our heart, anything can be are..

The alien swallows the heart.

Duplo Alien: "More! More! More! More more more more more more more more!!!!!!!"

Emily: "Oh, no."

Lucy: Attack! *builds a hammer and strikes the alien*"

Duplo Alien: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"

The alien screams as it is breaking Restaurants and Homes and Buliding's Glasses.

Lucy: "Run!!"

Duplo Alien: "*attacking* Unikitty- I want to play with you kittys!!!!!"

Duplo Alien: "Everything is awesome!"

Metal Beard: "Fire the Laser cannon!"

Duplo Alien: "*british accent* I eat lasers!"

Metal Beard: "That's IMPOSSIBLE!"

A duplo alien hums the melody before Batman shoots batrang and hits it.

Duplo Alien: "Missed me!"

Batman: "*stomps his foot* No I DID Not!"

Lucy: "They're so adorably destructive!"

President Business: "Hey, guys. Listen up. Everyone, get along! Done! Fixed it! I'm going golfing."

Emily: "Wait, President Business, you have to stay and help us!

President Business: "I'm sure you guys can sort it out amongst yourselves. You're great at that stuff. Bye. Gotta go."

He drives off as the destruction continues.

Emily: "Don't worry, sis, everything can still be awesome?"

A duplo alien screams in a high pitched sound before the scene goes black.

5 YEARS later

Lucy: "*narrates* It wasn't awesome. We fought them off, but they kept returning."


Duplo Alien: "Let's dance!"

Lucy: "*narrates* Every time we rebuilt, they kept coming after whatever bright and shiny thing caught their eye,

Everyone was running in fear from the aliens as upbeat music playing in the background.

Lucy: "*narrates* and always accompanied by catchy pop music."

The scene then changes to Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and others attempting to pursue the aliens.

Lucy: "*narrates* A league of brave heroes volunteered to chase them to wherever they came from."

Aquaman: "My man! *whoops*"

Superman: "Where's Batman?"

Wonder Woman: "He's off having a separate
standalone adventure."

Green Lantern: "You almost forgot me, guys."

Superman: "Oh, did we?"

Green Lantern: "I'm literally a lantern. How did you miss me?"

Superman: "That's my whoops."

Green Lantern: "Fear not, citizens, I shall shed... *the door closes on him* Guys, can you just reopen the... Guys, just reopen the..."

The engine starts powering up as the ship starts to leave.

Green Lantern: "You're not gonna? I don't care, it's just feelings. Stuff 'em down."

Lucy: "*narrates* We may never know if they even made it to the aliens or were lost in the dreaded Stairgate."

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Genderend Insert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ