Palace of Infinite Reflection

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The scene changes back to the captured Lego characters.

Lucy: "That queen is NEVER gonna break us."

Unikitty: "She just wants to throw a party."

Lucy: "It's clearly a cover for some catastrophic event."

Batman: "Yeah. Marriage, am I right? No one's tying down this Batman forever."

Metal Beard: "Ooh, reference!"

Lucy: "*scoffs* No. The moment you say, 'I do,' it'll unlock some... What are you looking at?"

General Mayhem: "What are you hiding?"

Her helmet scans Lucy's personality.

Lucy: "What are YOU hiding? YOU're the one with the reflective mask."

General Mayhem: "Well, I asked you first."

Lucy: "Well, I asked you second."

General Mayhem: "Real mature."

Lucy turns around, sees a Duplo heart in the backseat.

Lucy: "*gasps* So, where are we going?"

General Mayhem: "Planet Sparkles."

Unikitty: "Sparkles."

The camera pans up to her face, close up of her eyes which sparkle.

General Mayhem: "There, you will get changed in more ways than one."

Lucy turns back to the heart, its eyes open.

Duplo Heart: "HELLO!"

Everybody holds their breath and stare at Lucy.

General Mayhem: "What was that?"

Lucy: "I said, *high-pitched voice* 'Hello!'"

General Mayhem: "Well, we've been talking for a while. I'm not sure why you're saying hello now...But fine. Hello to you."

They soon arrived at planet sparkles. The scene changes to the inside where everything is made of shiny objects as the group enters.

Lucy: "Stick together. I've got a plan."

Balthazar: "*descending from above them* Greetings, Bricksburgians. Welcome to the Palace of Infinite Reflection. A self-reeducation celebrity center. *bows politely* Namaste."

Unikitty: "Ooh! Sounds spiritual."

Balthazar: "It is so spiritual."

Lucy: "Sounds like a trap. This guy's a vampire."

Balthazar: "Attractive non-threatening teen vampire. I like to talk about feelings, and how we're in love, but can't be together. Isn't that beautiful? I'll answer that. It's VERY beautiful."

Unikitty: "The heart wants what it wants."

Balthazar: "I also DJ on the side and wear women's jeans."

All (except Lucy): "Wow!"

Lucy: "Guys, we have to stay tough and gritty.
Do NOT let them soften you up..."

The camera then cuts to show the Master Builders being treatment.

Metal Beard: "Oh, yeah. I love getting barnacles scrubbed off me bilge pump."

Lucy: "Really? Right into it."

Benny: "*laughing* Oh, oh! It tickles."

Unikitty: "Whee!"

The camera then cuts to Batman getting his back massage.

Batman: "Oh, yeah, I carry my tortured past in my chiseled glutes."

Lucy: "*scoffs* Even you?"

Batman: "What? I mean, I'm not gonna turn down a free massage."

General Mayhem: "She needs extra treatment."

Lucy: "No!"

Balthazar: "Yes. First, you'll get a hot gem massage."

The camera then cuts to various parts as Lucy starts receiving treatment.

Balthazar: "Then an exfoliating flower beatdown. Popsicle face mask and peel. Room-temperature stone contusion. Vegetable observation... And be cleansed with a glitter scrub
and sparkle rinse."

Lucy is then dragged to a chair, that folds back as the dulpo alien starts scrubbing Lucy's hair.

Balthazar: "Next..."

The dulpo alien starts screaming at something.

Balthazar: "Your hair!"

Lucy's hair starts losing all the black, revealing more pink and blue stripes.

Balthazar: "It's... It's beautiful."

Lucy: "Wait, what?"

Everyone gathered around Lucy as she looks at the mirror to realize that her true hair color is revealing.

Lucy: "Oh, no, no, no, no."

Unikitty: "What? Wow!"

Lucy: "*chuckles nervously* Guys, this is not what you think."

Unikitty: "It's so adorable and cute!"

Batman: "Are you covering up some un-dark past?"

Lucy: "No. It's not who I am. It's just hair. Look, if I pop it off, *pops off her Lego hair piece* am I Bruce Willis now?"

The camera moves over to show Bruce lying in a sauna.

Bruce Willis: "I don't think so."

Metal Beard: "Well, well, well. I thought ye were tough. Looks like the peg's on the other leg."

Lucy: "I didn't..."

Benny: "Is she secretly cutesy?"

Lucy: "Look, they did this, okay? Not me! *laughing hysterically* I mean, what? I sat in the mirror years ago in shame *pulls her hood up* and took a permanent marker, and hair by hair just, you know, recolored it? I mean, what kind of crazy person would do that? Ugh!"

Balthazar: "Pardon my language, but she's a real grumpledumpuss."

Everyone gasped at that.

General Mayhem: "Take her to a holding cell for some music therapy. Then by tomorrow, she'll be willing to join our ceremony."

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