The Stairgate

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The scene cuts to Emily as she is flying her house spaceship towards a white doorway.

Emily: "Whoa! It's the portal to dimensions unknown. The Stairgate."

The door opens slowly as Emily approaches the door in her house spaceship.

Emily: "I'll just push through the Stairgate. Seems simple enough."

When she enters, she is immediately faced with flashing things around her as she screams. The ship turns back to normal before the area around the ship is surrounded by "glassteroids."

Emily: "Glassteroids! I can do this. Torpedoes deploy!"

Fires torpedoes, that are waffles, which hit the
glassteroid and ricochet off.

Emily: "Huh. I can do... *gets hit by a glasstroid* I can't do this!"

Her ship keeps hitting asteroids, until something hits the side of her ship.

Emily: "What was that?!"

She hears heavy metal music in the background as she looks out her window to see flying bats that look like fish made out of fabric.

Emily: "*gasps* It's the flying bats made of fabric!"

Heavy Metal Head: "Hey boss! Looks like we found her!"

Heavy Metal Head #2: "She'll make good fresh meat..."

Heavy Metal Head #3: "If she could survive be eaten alive!"

They laughed as Emily tried to move away from them but was surrounded by a few of heavy metal spaceships. One opens its mouth in front of Emily's spaceship and a figure wearing a motorcycle helmet on her head walks up.

Heavy Metal Commander: "*disoriented voice* So... Are you the Emily Brickowski from the basmount?"

Emily: "Yes... that is my name... how did you-?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*disoriented voice* It doesn't matter, if you surrender now and come with us peacefully, we won't make a mess out here. Right boys?"

They all roared and cheered around them.

Emily: "But what if I choose not to join you? Would that be...?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*disoriented voice* Then we will have to take you in by force. We thought you could surrender easy, but I guess not... Rockers, into your positions!"

Emily panics as they start to pull out their instruments that were black or a dark shade of red. The commander then pulls out a black and silver guitar with a silver skull on top of it.

Emily: "This is the end!"

The commander tunes up her guitar was about to strike, but at the last second somebody smashes the ships jaw in front of Emily from below. It knocks the commander back into the ship as its mouth was forced shut.

Emily: "Who was that? Where did he go?"

The camera pulls back to show the space dude standing next to Emily.

???: "Hey! You mind if I save your life?"

Emily: "Not at all, sir?"

???: "*chuckles* Rad."

Heavy Metal Head: "Hey buddy! That fleshy is ours! And you're going to pay for hurting the commander!"

???: "*sarcastically* Oh no, we hurted commander. Well if you want us, come and get us!"

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Genderend Insert)Where stories live. Discover now