Emily's Home Tour

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The scene changes as they walk up to the house as Emily opens the door to it.

Emily: "Very first one on the cul-de-sac. This is the living room, where you can live it up."

They then walk past various rooms as Emily lists each of them down the hallway. The first one is a living room with a tv. The second is a dining room with a few pictures on the wall. The third is a room fool of crafting stuff and tools to craft with. The fourth one is full of plants and the fifth shows Unikitty sleeping in the cat bed in a kitty room.

Emily: "TV room, dining room, Crafting and scrapbooking room, Planty's room, *whispers* kitty cat room..."

They then walk into the kitchen before Emily pulls out a remote and changes the nook in front of them.

Emily: "Of course, the kitchen, complete with breakfast nook, lunchtime nook, and fireman pole."

Emily leads Lucy down the fireman pole before they slide down a water slide, bouncing on the trampolines and the climbed up on the monkey bars.

Emily: "Which leads to water slide... Trampoline room... Monkey-barring all the way up to..."

The two then landed in a room full of toasters and various bread.

Emily: "Toaster room! So you can have toast or waffles at any time! *chews on a piece of toast*"

Lucy: "Oh!"

Emily then guides Lucy to the back porch. There is a double-decker porch swing with a bag in one of the seats and an embroidered pillow on the other. The embroidered pillow says "E & L Sisters 4-Eva."

Emily: "And out back, a double-decker porch swing, so we can always hang together! What do you think?"

Lucy: "Uh... Wow. Um... It's sweet."

Emily: "It is."

Lucy: "It's just, uh... It's going to attract aliens and get destroyed."

Emily: "But maybe it won't. I just thought we could rebuild the future. Make everything awesome again.

Lucy: "*sighs* Emily... You gotta stop pretending everything is awesome. It isn't. Every morning, you walk through town, singing that terrible, ANNOYING, manufactured pop song!"

Emily: "Um, you okay? That song really seems to upset you."

Lucy: "*breaks the coffee cup in her hand* No, it doesn't."

Emily: "Oh, my mistake."

Lucy: "That song was fine when we were younger, but we also have to grow up sometime. Can you do that for me?"

Emily: "Well, yeah. I can try. But it's easy for YOU. You were always a dark, cool, goth rebel."

Lucy: "*scoffs* Yes, of course I was. Let's change the subject."

Emily: "Okay. Oh, by the way, I have a surprise for you!"

Lucy: "A surprise?"

Emily: "Yeah! *grabs the bad from the porch swing* And I thought today would be a good day to mark our 5 year anniversary of being sisters!"

Lucy: "Well-"

Emily: "So! With me being the sweet little sister you love and you being the cool older sister, I made... *pulls out two sweaters* Sister Sweaters!"

Lucy: "Oh, wow, this uh..."

Emily: "This actually took a long time to make them, but it was all worth it to see your reaction! So, what do you think?"

Lucy looks at her sweater and it says, "Best Big Sister!"

Emily: "I've made more sweaters for the rest of our friends. *hands Lucy another bag* So that way I can show them that we are family together no matter what!"

Lucy: "This is nice that you made them for us, *puts the bag away in her pocket* but we have to be hardened and battle-ready. BOTH of us."

Emily: "Yeah. No, I get it. And that's why I've cultivated a totally hard-edged side that's super tough and- Look, look! A shooting star. Make a wish! *gasps*"

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