The Rock Plan

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The scene changes to the entrance of the Stairgate as the spaceships from earlier have made it through.

???: "All aboard!" Crazy! But that's how it goes

The mouth opens to reveal the Queen of Heavy Metal, Barb.

Barb: Millions of people living as foes. Music! Has kept us apart

She's playing the guitar as other Heavy Metal Heads play the other instruments.

Barb: It's time for the Hard Rock Revolution to start! No spats, no tiffs, no fighting when everyone's the same. I'm going off the rails on this crazy train!

Everyone cheers as Barb makes her way back inside the ship.

Barb: "Yeah! We got the Techno Record! Who knew taking over the entire universe could be so much fun?"

The Metal Head cheer at that and start giving Barb high fives and fist bumps. She then walks over to a case that opens up and reveals three other vinyl records. Barb places the Techno Record next to the Classical Record before she closes the case again.

Barb: "Only two more Vinyl Records to go until rock unites the whole universe. *notices someone is missing* Hey... where's the commander?"

The door opens to reveal the commander walking in slowly as everyone stares in shock and admiration. The commander looks at one of the Metal Heads and gives them a death glare, making them pass out in fear.

Barb: "Hey! There you are, where were you?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* Forgive me, my Queen-"

Barb: "*holds her hand up* Ah, hold on. What did I tell you before?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice, sighs* Just to call you Queen Barb or Barb."

Barb: "Well, we'll work on it later."

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* Anyway, it seems to be that the target has escaped from our grasp in the glasstroid field. Our sources believe that the one responsible is a possible bounty hunter."

She pulls out a screen to reveal the footage of Emily and Rex, who was still in his spacesuit, escaping from them.

Barb: "So... how is she *pointing at Emily on the screen* part of the plan?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* It's because she holds the key to the other vinyl record, the Pop Record."

Barb: "Oh yeah, that one... But what about the Funk one?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* The Funk Record is in the Systar System where it's being heavily guarded by the most powerful warriors."

Barb: "So, are we supposed to just split up to find them?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* Not necessarily..."

She pulls out a remote and presses a button. The screen changes to the entire Systar System. It's shows a red dot getting near the Systar System.

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* Our readings also indicate that the one called Emily Brickowski is on her way to the Systar System to save her friends."

Barb: "So, what are we supposed to do about it?"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* I say we wait for the perfect moment to strike. Because if we wait for the ceremony tomorrow, everyone will be too busy to guard the Funk Record that day."

Barb: "Hey... Yeah... That can work in our favor!"

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* There is one more thing I nearly forgot to mention. We just need to make sure the Queen is distracted and that Emily Brickowski is captured alive."

Barb: "Alright, we'll spit in groups to make this plan work."

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* If you don't mind, Queen Barb, I would take the opportunity to capture the target myself."

Barb: "Smart call, but then again, you do need to up your capturing skills a bit. Not saying that's bad, but what happened at the glasstroid fields..."

Heavy Metal Commander: "*distorted voice* It won't happen again, I can assure you of that."

Barb: "Great! Once we have all six vinyl records, I'll play the ultimate power song. And we will unite the universe under one music. Our music!"

Everyone cheers and roars around the ship as the commander looks at the red dot and narrows her eyes at it.

(This is going to be in separate three acts and this is the end of act 1.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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