Hoodies & Practice

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Your eyes widened as your eyes traveled over to the glowing clock on your nightstand. 

"Uh...Aron?" He stopped fiddling around with the sound mixer on his lap and looked up at the tablet that showed you. "Are you aware that it's two o'clock in the morning?" 

"And?" He asked as if it was no big deal, shrugging. 

"Didn't I ask you to remind me to go to bed at twelve?" You groaned, tilting your head back and making it connect with the headboard behind you. 

"Oh yeah, you did. Sorry about that." 

"Sorry my ass." You mumbled, giving the screen a short glare. Aron only smiled and picked up his water bottle taking a sip of it. "Well, I should get to sleep. If I don't come in on time, Terry is going to kill me." 

"Alright. Go get your sleep, Sleeping Beauty." He teased. You rolled your eyes before giving a small smirk and saying goodbye. Once the call was done, you set your phone down and got under the covers. Well, today was a very eventful day. 


You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to take the day head on. You yawned and got dressed, walking out into the lounge area and seeing your best friend still asleep. Well, at least she wasn't working today, anyway. 

"Good morning," Billy greeted you with a large smile when you entered the kitchen.  "I'm taking it that you and Angie had a good night." 

"Yeah, it was amazing." You chuckled, picking up (fruit of choice) from the bowl that sat on the island and eating it for a quick breakfast. "Speaking of Angie, I'm probably going to be gone when she wakes up, so please tell her that I'll talk to her later." You knew that she would probably have gone home by the time you had gotten home for work as well. Speaking of coming home from work, a lightbulb went off in your mind. "Oh! Billy! I invited a few friends over for dinner after work, so you're going to have to make a tad bit more food than usual. I'm sorry." You frowned, realizing you should have told him this via text as soon as it was planned. 

"Ah! No problem, y/n! I have a new recipe I've wanted to try for awhile, but it's required for a group of people. So, this is perfect! How many guests?" 

"Six." You smiled, happy that he seemed to find joy in extended the meal. You finished your fruit and picked up the Jorel's sunglasses, slipping them onto your head and putting on Danny's jacket. "Aright, I'm out! Bye Billy!" You waved goodbye to your butler and headed out of the door, picking up your keys on the way out and making your way down to the main lobby. 


Once you got to work, you were informed that before running lines for the new episode, you had to finish the last one since Eric was now available. After a short stop at wardrobe to change into your character's clothes, you went to the stand and begun the scene. 

"And, that's a wrap on this episode! Good job, everyone! Everyone take five and actors, get ready to practice the new episode, Hollywood Show, in set C!" You wiped a bit of sweat from your forehead when Terry began dismissing your co-workers for a break.  You jogged over to the director and opened your mouth to talk, but he quickly overlapped you with his words.  "Y/n, you can go get changed into your clothes for practice. We're not filming it for another day or two." 

"Alright, Ter. I was just going to ask you if you knew where the guys were." You sheepishly scratched the back of your head. Terry's face softened and he sighed. 

"Sorry. The boys should already be waiting in the set. We're going to be practicing out their introduction scene first." He offered you a small smile and you returned it, nodding and going off to change. 

Once you were in your normal outfit, you walked into set C  to see the boys in the corner, conversing among each other. This set was used at your studio's black box theater, used just for practicing. You noticed that your co-actors seemed to have not arrived, with the exception of Jessie sitting on the floor, zooming over her script. She knew that the script could be used doing practice, but she was an overachiever to say the least. 

"Hey guys!" You greeted the group, bouncing over to them. 

"You're a happy one today." George smiled, ruffling your hair. You narrowed your eyes at him before ducking out of his hand distance. 

"Here's your stuff back. Thank you once again." You smiled, Jorel back his sunglasses. You turned to give Danny his hoodie back, but he simply put up his hand. 

"No, it's fine. You can keep it. I know I acted really pissy when J told me to let you use it, but when we got back home, I noticed that I own around...forty thousand hoodies. So, you can have it." You tilted your head to the side, taken back that he allowed you to keep it. 

"W-well, thank you, Danny." You stammered, biting your lower lip in an attempt to keep your cool and keep your face at a non-blushing state. You'd think as an actor, I would have more control over portraying my emotions. You thought, having a need to sign yet you kept it in. While you were having your inward battle, the other boys sent Daniel a glare, who just pretended as if he didn't see. Before you could make another comment to the boys, the room seemed to fill with your cast mates and superiors. 

"Alright, so, we have a few days before the camera actually starts rolling. Remember guys, don't be scared to mess up during the phase! We're just reading off of the scripts today. Tomorrow we'll work on blocking while reading. Then Sunday, we're going to be taking it head-on without the script and with the movements! But, have fun right now!" You smiled at Terry's words. "May I have Jax, y/n, and Hollywood Undead in focus?" You stepped into the middle of the room, holding your script at your sides. The guys and Jax soon joined you. Once Terry gave the cue, you began running the lines. 

A/N: I was tired as shit while writing this chapter, so I'm very sorry if you find any really bad typos. First off, I'd like to thank you all again for reading this book! It means a lot to me that so many of you enjoy my work. Secondly, I actually decided on the names for Jax, Jessie, and Eric's characters in the show instead of allowing the reader's mind to come up with so many names. It was just easier for me to have them listed for future reference instead of re-reading the book so many times to see if I mentioned their character's names before. I am planning to create an information chapter that will showcase the character's names and their roles in show to further your understanding of both the real world of this book, and the fake one you have become apart of for all these years. If you guys believe this would be helpful to you please put a + in the comments(along with any other comments you have, of course!). If not, please put a - I hope this will be a good way to find out what you guys want. 

Lastly, I've seen a lot of comments geared towards the reader's somewhat lack of knowledge between the relationship Deuce and Hollywood Undead has. And, I'm not sure if you see this as a negative trait or not. Originally, I was going to hint at it a lot in the subtext of the book, but now I'm not sure if people are beginning to find it dumb that the main character is somewhat oblivious. (She won't always be, of course.) Thoughts on that? 

Plus, I'm sorry this authors note is so long. Please don't hate me xD <3 

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