𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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A few weeks had passed since their last rehearsal for The Space Tour, and it was finally time to board the tour bus for Ann Arbor, Michigan. 

After everyone loaded their belongings onto the bus, they departed around 10:30 pm.

Milo found a seat next to Joe and let out a tired yawn. 

Joe noticed and turned to her, a gentle smile on his face. "You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want," he offered.

Milo looked at him, her own smile spreading across her face. "Thanks, Joe," she replied.

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The next morning, the bus pulled into the Michigan Theater. Milo stirred awake, realizing her head was still resting on Joe's shoulder.

"How did you sleep?" Joe asked with a smile.

"Good!" Milo replied, smiling back at him.

Corey stood up at the front of the bus and clapped his hands together. "Alright! We've made it. There's a coffee shop across the street, so let's grab some coffee and something to eat, then we'll get ready!" he announced.

Everyone nodded in agreement and began to gather their things, 

As everyone walked across the street, Milo chatted with Meredith and Brian about the tour. They reached the coffee shop, where Joey held the door open for everyone.

Once inside, everyone ordered something to drink and eat. After they got their orders, they headed back to the bus to get ready for the concert. 

Milo picked up her bag from the seat and walked into the small bathroom on the bus to change and get ready.

Inside the cramped bathroom, Milo carefully unpacked her outfit for the concert. She changed quickly, then touched up her hair and makeup, trying to steady her nerves. 

This was a big day, and she wanted everything to be perfect. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she stepped out to find the rest of the group already buzzing with excitement and final preparations.

Joe was with Lauren and Jaime who were rehearsed some vocal warm-ups. Corey and Julia were going over the schedule, making sure everyone knew the plan for the day. 

Milo joined Meredith and Brian, who were discussing their set list.

"Feeling ready?" Meredith asked Milo with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I think so," Milo replied, trying to match her friend's enthusiasm.

Brian nodded. "It's going to be great. We've all worked hard for this."

Milo took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's do this."

Once everyone was done, they walked into the lobby of the theater.

 "There are two dressing rooms in the back, so you guys can put your stuff in there. Once you're done, come to the stage and we'll go through the show," Corey instructed the group.

Everyone nodded in understanding and made their way to the dressing rooms. Milo placed her bag next to Meredith's stuff.

Milo crossed her arms, taking in the spacious dressing room as she waited for everyone to finish getting ready. 

"These are big dressing rooms," Jaime remarked, her voice filled with awe as she glanced around.

Milo nodded in agreement. "Yeah," she replied, also looking around the room. 

As Milo and Jaime waited for Lauren, Meredith walked over to join them. "It's nice to have some space to move around in," she remarked, appreciating the luxury of the room.

Jaime grinned in response. "Definitely beats some of the cramped spaces we've had to work with before," she agreed.

Milo chuckled, recalling some of the more challenging venues they had performed in over the years. "That's for sure. But hey, it's all part of the experience, right?" she said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Jaime nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, you're right. It's moments like these that make it all worth it," she replied

Once Lauren was done, they made their way back to the stage slowly, Jaime and Lauren walking ahead of Milo and Meredith who were engrossed in conversation.

"So, I noticed that your head was on Joe's shoulder last night," Meredith remarked to Milo, nudging her gently with a playful smile.

Milo chuckled and shook her head. "It was just once. I was tired, and Joe said I could rest my head on his shoulder," she explained to Meredith, trying to downplay the situation.

Meredith stopped walking and turned to look at Milo, her expression curious. "Mere, I'm serious! It was nothing," Milo insisted, meeting Meredith's gaze.

"Yeah, alright," Meredith conceded with a grin, deciding to let the matter drop.

Before Meredith could continue, Milo cut her off. "But you would tell me if you and Joe..." Meredith started to say.

Milo interrupted her, her tone firm yet gentle. "Mere, there's nothing going on between Joe and me. You know I'd tell you if there was," she assured her friend, hoping to put Meredith's mind at ease.

Meredith nodded, her expression softening. "Yeah, I know. Sorry for prying," she said, offering Milo a reassuring smile.

Milo smiled back, grateful for Meredith's understanding. 

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𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 || 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐳 ||Where stories live. Discover now