Chapter 26

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Jordan and Vee arrived in the Philippines around midnight, but they chose not to stop over at a hotel and instead went straight to the place which Frank mentioned in his latest email.

They were instructed to rent a boat going to a small island where a tribe could be found. Most boat owners would no longer want to sail at night, but Frank specified someone who braves the dark sea when offered gold jewelry. Vee already had one of her rings prepared as payment as she and Jordan looked for a boat with rooster markings along the shore. The found a group of fishermen camped by the beach, roasting some seafood while happily talking.

"We're looking for the owner of the boat marked with a rooster," Jordan smiled as he approached them. The fishermen did not seem to understand what he just said as they only shook their heads and smiled. Realizing that his accent might have contributed to the misunderstanding, he switched to a neutral one and carefully repeated his words.

"I don't think they want to help us," Vee whispered to Jordan. "Want me to take the ring out now?" She inched a bit closer to Jordan when one of the fishermen looked at her and seemed to read her lips.

"Gold exchange rooster," said the man as he rose from the stool he was seated on and held his palm open.

Jordan took the ring from Vee and showed it to the man. The latter examined the jewelry with much interest and slowly walked away from the group while signaling for Jordan and Vee to follow.

"Boat there," he spoke in broken English while pointing to his boat docked a few meters away. "One hour boat to tribe island."

As they set sail, Vee couldn't help but feel a bit scared as she saw that they would only have a small kerosene lamp to light their way in the middle of the ocean. The moonlight was quite soft as there were thick, dark clouds that come and go. Also, while the boat seemed sturdy, Vee couldn't avoid noticing that it didn't have much room for emergency supplies except for a single life vest lying slightly deflated next to her feet. Only the fisherman's net was carefully folded on the flooring with the rest of his fishing stuff which Vee was unfamiliar with.

Jordan could feel Vee occasionally shivering next to him. He also felt a bit cold with the chilly wind, but he knew that it wouldn't compare to the usual low temperature where they were from. He thought it was quite weird since she already had her jacket on.

"Are you okay?" He tentatively asked Vee, seeing the worried look on her beautiful face. She only gave him a timid nod, then she looked away into the darkness. "Don't be scared. I got you."

He realized that he blurted his thoughts out when Vee turned to him with smiling eyes and snuggled closer. At first, his muscles tensed and he was unsure how to hold her in his arms. Her back was lightly pressed against his chest and the wind lightly blew against her soft hair which was trapped in a messy bun that reached right at his nose. He inhaled her scent and took note that she had switched her shampoo to something that smelled like minty cacao.

While knowing it would take an hour to reach the island, Jordan let Vee doze off again to recharge. He, on the other hand, felt ready for whatever may come. There was slight worry lurking at the back of his mind, but he tried not to dwell on it and simply look forward to seeing Frank and hearing progress of his own deduction. He wasn't the pessimistic type, but this time he felt like there was something he was going to regret.

It was still very dark when Jordan and Vee arrived, but the island clearly looked festive. There were torch stands along the beach with colorful flower garlands and flags of various sizes hung on poles which led to each pathway to the cottages. As they looked around, they noticed that even the houses were beautifully decorated with flowers, leaves, and braided grass blades.

Marriage time. Jordan remembered hearing the fisherman mention to them earlier during the boat ride. Apparently, the chieftain's son is being wedded to another chieftain's daughter, and all tribesmen on the island, even those who were just visiting, are invited to join the month-long feast.

As they walked deeper into the village, Jordan's satellite phone suddenly signalled an incoming call. Frank announced that he was personally invited by the chieftain to stay at one of his rest houses on the island.

"I've already given him a heads-up that my friends are coming over," Frank's serious tone crackled from the other line.

With the help of a navigator application, Jordan and Vee were easily able to find Frank's location. He was already waiting for them at the door of the huge cottage where he was staying when they arrived.

Vee couldn't help but stare as she noticed the big difference in Frank's aura. The last time she saw him, he was looked suave and sleek, but now he looked rugged and quite unsophisticated. He had thick, full beard which seemed about three inches long, and his hair was unkempt and looked greasy. He started chuckling when he noticed Vee's awed expression, her eyes wide as they travelled from his messy head down to his dusty shoes.

"Had to look the part," was all he said while winking at Vee.

They wasted no time and quickly discussed the outcome of Frank's research. He revealed that his discovery of the alibata has lead him to the island, particularly to the chieftain's house, where another clue may be hidden.

"May?" Jordan emphasized. "You mean, you're unsure yet?" He knew that Frank would not go as far as pretending to be a tribesman from another island if he knew that he wouldn't get anywhere close to another clue.

"We may or may not be able to get the clue," Frank dropped every single word with much caution, noticeably using a weird accent which Vee thought could be old Scandinavian. She understood that the regular tribesmen on the island may not easily comprehend whatever he was saying - if someone was even eavesdropping. Frank's voice was even close to a whisper. "It all depends on how we fare with our chance. You're gonna end up getting married sooner than you've planned."

Vee almost forgot how to breathe when Frank casually mentioned her getting married to Jordan sooner. The gears in her head immediately started working, making her wonder how to go on with wedding preparations without her friends, and what the ceremony would look like while getting married at a foreign place, let alone having a tribal wedding. While they have actually been preparing for their real wedding back home, she was still taken aback.

"Every occasion here is equally important," Frank explained. While they take time to prepare, a lot of things already happen on the side. So. Since I had to make sure a married couple faces the person who has the clue, I told a little truth about you actually getting married." He turned to Jordan. "How about getting married at the same time as the chieftain's son?" He asked.

Jordan looked at Vee tentatively and then back to Frank. He, too, felt inexplicably awkward.

"Erhm," he cleared his throat. "And... When are we supposed to get married?"

Frank gave Jordan and Vee a sweeping look before responding, "tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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