Chapter 20

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Hello there, followers, readers, and all!!!

I know I haven't updated in a while, and I appreciate your constant push. You all helped me get through my anxieties XOXO

Just to share, I'm 4 months preggo with my second child and I'm suuuuper inspired!!! Yey!!!

Well, enough of me - here's the next chapter of Jordan and Vee's adventures.

Read on!!!


Jordan's POV

I couldn't understand how exactly I felt when I saw Vee's tear-drenched face. She was disheveled - her usual glorious hair now a mess, some strands sticking to her face. She wasn't wearing any make up, but her skin looked as if she put on the wrong shade of foundation which made her look too pale, at the same time highlighting the reddish bruises she got from God-knows-where. 

The fiery eyes that looked up at me while thinking I was an enemy turned glassy the moment she recognized me, and I felt like my guts were wrenched as tears started falling down her flushed cheeks. 

"J-Jordan..." her regal voice sounded broken as she breathed my name in between sobs.

I looked away, unable to contain the feelings welling inside me as I heard her scared tone. I would give up everything just to hear her stern voice again.

"I got you," I told her. My arms involuntarily wrapped around her noticeably frail body, wanting to protect her from further harm. It was when she winced that I noticed the bloody bruises on her knees, arms, and fingers. I cursed quite loudly, unwittingly startling her. She sobbed all the more, burying her face in my chest as I embraced her to try and calm her down.

The level of anger building inside me quickly escalated, and I realized that it wasn't for the men who attacked Vee. I started feeling mad at myself for letting this ever happen to someone important to me.

"I'm sorry," I said through gritted teeth. "I'm really sorry, Venera." With my eyes closed, I kissed her left temple wishing that some of her pain would be eased. I fought back the nasty sensation climbing up my throat and swallowed hard.

Collecting myself together, I gripped the bo staff from my sling and asked Vee to stay hidden in the room. I want to face the men who dared touch her and give them back every bruise and every hit they landed on her. I rarely fight for vengeance, but right now, I would risk even my license to kill just to get back at all the people who did her wrong.

I poised to attack as I heard quick footsteps approaching, and wielded my staff to aim at the head of the first person who crossed the corridor. I knew I hit the right spot when I saw the man fall facedown to the floor, unconscious.

No, I wouldn't kill him - just yet. I need information. I quickly brought out the tri-fold polymer restraints I kept in my sling and tightly cuffed the unconscious man's hands behind him. Thanks to the smooth ratchet, I finished in seconds and successfully tied him to the pillar next to the room before his companions came and shot bullets at me.

As I hid behind a pillar, I cast a quick look at Vee to make sure that she was well-hidden and would not be a ready target. Her hands were covering her ears, but she looked less shaken than earlier. I felt a little better seeing her that way.

As I rolled on my back and aimed for the next opponent's knees, I heard a short beep from my wireless earpiece and in came Frank's voice.

"I called for back up, Jordan." I strained my ears to figure out what he said amidst the loud yells of the men I just knocked down. "I suggest not to create much drama to avoid the media. Remember that you're trying not to reveal to anyone that you and Vee are working on something important." 

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