Chapter 16

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I know you might have started cursing at me for not updating sooner...

I am so, so, so deeply sorry... Work has taken a looooot of my time and it took me forever to squeeze in some way to get this chapter done.

Please forgive me...

Here's the update, please enjoy!!!!


It came as a form of punishment for Jordan when Frank downright refused to help him locate Vee or even share with him details on what to do in Ireland. Despite reiterating how important the task was, he was still unable to convince Frank to cooperate.

"Oh, I thought you had some other important things to do," Frank's sarcastic response blasted through Jordan's bluetooth headset. He was close to losing his patience, but acknowledging his own misses helped him keep his temper in check. He kept pacing back and forth as he waited for his boarding time.

"C'mon, Frank," he sighed, "if you really care about Venera, you will let me know where she's headed." 

"I don't know."

"At least let me know what she's after?"

"No idea."

"What made her want to go to Ireland, of all places?"

"I have no clue."

"Did you ask her where she's going?"

"Yep. But she didn't tell me."

"Do you know where she'd stay?"


"Fuck it, Franklin!" Jordan gritted his teeth in frustration. He stopped pacing and massaged his throbbing temple. Tension started building up as his pessimism attacked. "For all we know, we could be working against unknown enemies and Venera might be in danger! I need to protect her! Tell me where the fuck she is going!"

The frustration in Jordan's voice must have convinced Frank a little bit that he should shed some light on the situation. He considered that Jordan might have gotten sidetracked due to Aya, but the latter now seemed to be trying to make it up to Vee. If he would stubbornly refuse to give Jordan some information on Vee's whereabouts, he might put the lady at risk instead. 

"Are you sure you're not gonna leave her alone when your lovely Aya suddenly gives you a booty call?" He had to ask, not entirely pleased that Jordan even thought about dating someone like her. He had always turned a blind eye on Jordan's womanizing acts back at the camp and on the field since he also engaged in such, but his views changed when he got into a relationship himself, and their friends had gotten married. 

"Don't be stupid, Frank." Was all Jordan said.

"You're the one being a dickhead," Frank grumbled. "You got such a nice lady yet you see her as a child, and you cheat on her?"

"You're starting to sound like my mother, Frank." 

"I'm gonna sound like your Mum and Dad and whoever if you don't start acting like a proper fiancé, Jordy." Frank congratulated himself for staying alive after saying his piece. Good thing Jordan wasn't in front of him to drill a bullet into his head. "Remember when we met Lucas Connor at the bar?"

Jordan heaved a deep sigh of relief when Frank finally started talking about the deal.

"The CCTV footage he stole for Vee apparently has another clue." Frank sent Jordan an email with screenshots of the video. "If you look at the seventh frame, the camera caught Reynold Yates' plate number changing. It was obvious that the car was designed with that capability." He paused and waited for Jordan to be on the same page. "It no longer shows his registered plate, and instead shows 'FST157'"

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