Chapter 21

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Hello there, my lovely readers! I am extremely sorry for uploading the next chapter veeeeeery, veeeeeery late. As you all know, I am very pregnant, and my little girl (yes, it's another girl!!!) is kinda giving me the warning that she's gonna take all my attention.

Again, apologies...

But here it is! The next chapter!!! I hope you all enjoy it, and keep supporting #BeyondDuties



Jordan and Vee both woke up early the next day to start working on their mission - to find the next clue which would lead them to solving the mystery concerning their family members' disappearance.

Although they do not completely hope for it, since they had taken on their task, they have both come to agree on the possibilities of their respective fathers' and Vee's brother being alive. 

While the last clue lead them to the O'Ghallchobhair Castle, they have yet to find out what significance the place has, for them to locate the next clue. They set out to check every corner of the castle, Vee exploring the right wing while Jordan went to the left. Both came back with an observation that most of the rooms had the same painting as the one which led them to Ireland - the mysterious map.

"I took pictures of the paintings," Jordan told Vee as he showed his mobile phone's gallery. 

"Oh," Vee bit her lip as she realized that she noticed the same thing. She had also taken pictures of the random places where she found the map paintings.

They projected the images on a plain wall and perused each one while they ate sandwiches. Jordan started studying the projection from the left, with the first picture he took. As he went on with his gallery, he noticed a small detail.

"There seems to be a drawing of a man," he said, pointing at one of the many miniature men figures in the painting. "This one in particular, looks like he's moving."

Vee watched as Jordan flipped through the photos and continued pointing at the peculiar figure, which seemed to move to a different spot per shot. She quickly projected the photos she had taken as well and noticed the same detail. The last painting showed the figure stop at the spot which showed the museum.

The two decided to visit the museum, and at once saw a room which had the same painting. Knowing where the figure stopped from the last shot, they were able to locate it in a few seconds. This time, the spot where the figure should have been showed a knight without a helmet.

"That could be the knight," Vee used her lips to point at the knight statue next to the door which leads to the Women's Restroom. As she roamed her eyes, though, she found another one close to the Men's Restroom. "I wonder if all statues could have their helmets removed?" 

Jordan decided to check the first knight's helmet and see if there was a hinge which would allow it to move. The one next to the Women's Restroom did not budge. He tried the other statue and got the same result. Looking around for other statues, he came to the area leading to the second floor and found a bust sculpture of a knight. Without really hoping for a positive result, he yanked the helmet away and was almost taken aback when it opened. "Venera!" He called out.

Vee shot dagger looks at Jordan when she heard him shout her name, totally forgetting that she was right behind him. She peeped inside the hollow space revealed by the helmet and watched as Jordan took a small box out of it. The space seemed to be a vault  that kept the tiny box.

"It's too easy to find the box if the helmet were a vault," Jordan commented. He twisted and turned the box and noticed several lines which seemed like hinges. "This box is the vault."

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