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"So, where do you want to go?" Ilario asked once they were ensconced in the car.

Tanya was still in a little daze. She didn't want to but a small voice in her head was insisting that it was their second date. She tried telling herself that the club thing was pure work, but her stupid heart was daring her to hope.

Hope for what? He was an engaged man.

Then what is this? Why am I in a car with Ilario on a Friday evening?

"Rio." She started tentatively, her eyes locked on the road ahead. "What are we doing?"

"What do you mean?"

She suppressed a sigh of irritation. Why was he acting obtuse? But before she could say anything, he took a sharp turn from the signal.

Frowning, she asked, "Where are you taking us?"

"Since you looked lost when I asked you where you wanted to go, I am deciding for us."

That was mighty high handed for him and she didn't like it one bit.

"I... don't really appreciate..."

He cut in again, "Maybe a little more history lesson is in store." The traffic started becoming heavy as they progressed.

History lesson? Whatever did he mean?

But Tanya wasn't one of those girls who worried about everything. She had decided long ago that thinking was overrated. What will happen, will happen. Qué será, será, you know?

She wasn't going to sit in this divine car with a gorgeous Italian and worry about things which were inconsequential anyway. At the end of the day, Ilario De Russo was going to marry Apollonia Visconti and Tanya Singha was returning to India hopefully with a reasonably good experience. Meanwhile, what was the harm in enjoying an evening in Milan with a native?

She turned to him with a happy grin, "Where did you have in mind? I was thinking of visiting Navigli."

He looked sharply at her, then back at the road, murmuring, "Interesting!"


"Nothing. Incidentally, I too, was thinking of the same place."

Tanya didn't know if he was joking, "That is indeed interesting."

Ilario parked near Piaza del Rosario. They disembarked and he led them towards Navigli Grande. The weekend mood was infectious. As Tanya walked she observed the beautifully dressed people all around them, laughing and chatting. Everyone seemed cheerful, with not a care in the world. The street was lined with eateries, boutiques and art shops. It was a brilliant world, vibrant with its boho chic.

Ilario led her to a small, crowded pub. While Tanya stood outside on the pavement, he waded through the crowd and came back with two large drinks in both his hands. Gesturing to her, he led her through the bar and onto the other side where a door opened up to a sitting area.

As Tanya emerged onto the other side, she found herself on the bank of the Naviglio Grande, the famous canal, supposedly designed by Leonardo Di Vinci himself.

They found an unoccupied table seating only two and rested their drinks there.

"What is it?" She asked after taking a sip of the orangish liquid.

Ilario took a sip of his own before answering, "Negroni. It's been ages since I've had this. How's the taste?"

Tanya took another sip, "Bitter, but fruity."

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, not bad."

"Hmm." He smiled, the smile reaching his usually serious eyes, "For all my troubles, I get only 'not bad'? I must be getting off my game."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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