Happily Ever After

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-Patrick's Pov-

I shifted in the king size bed, moving my arms the wrap them around Pete, but he's not there. Quickly, I opened my eyes, filling with panic.

I check my phone.

From: Pete <3
Hey baby, I'm going to go to joes place, he needs help with moving some stuff. I didn't want to wake you. While I'm out ill pick some stuff up for lunch. Love you <3

I let out a sigh of relief. Even though I know with all of my being that Pete loves me, I still get scared that he's going to leave me.

To: Pete <3
Okay love you too <3

I smiled and put my phone on the nightstand and left to take a shower.

Once I finish, I dry off and check my phone to see if he's messaged me back.

From: Pete <3
Taking a little longer than I thought. Got lost going to his new place. I'll be home for dinner. I miss you

I frowned as I read the words displayed on my screen.

To: Pete <3
I miss you too :(

Well, now I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Maybe I'll clean up the house for Pete.


I look at the clock 9:45 pm.

Where is he at? I haven't talked to him since two.

I haven't had anything to eat today, so I venture to the kitchen and fix myself a bowl of lucky charms.

My phone vibrated on the table.

From: Joe

Perfect. I'll ask him where Pete's at.

To: Joe
Hey, what time did Pete leave your place? Or has he even left yet lol

From: Joe
Pete never showed up, that's what I was going to ask you

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