Stress Mess

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-Patrick's Pov-

Today is the third day that Pete has been missing.

Most of the time, people are dead within 24 hours of being kidnapped.

It's been almost 72. I haven't had anything to eat since those lucky charms, honestly, I don't want to eat. I want to sleep and cry and sleep and cry some more. I've called Pete's phone too many times. When I need to tell him something, I call his phone, knowing no one will pick up.

"Hey Pete, it Patrick again. I just killed the biggest fucking spider, you wouldn't believe. I really miss you. I love you."

It's kinda pitiful, but there's a chance that he might hear these, and that's what's important.

Joe and Andy are coming over to stay today. They said they're not leaving until Pete is found. I'm glad they're worried about me, but I just want to be alone.

I decided to clean up, even though the house is already clean because no one has been here to make a mess.

By the time I finished, I was exhausted, and then Andy and Joe arrived.

"Hey Patrick." They greeted as I opened the door and they walked in and embraced me in a group hug. I couldn't help it and I started crying. Maybe I didn't want to be alone after all.

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