Record Timing Part Two

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-Pete's Pov-

I've been home for about eleven days, and I still don't feel at home.

Meagan has been very patient with me, and that helps a lot.

Today she wants me to go to the mall with her, and she wants me dye my hair black for some reason.

"Pete, stop asking so many questions, just dye your hair black. We don't want anyone to recogn- I mean, I like your hair when it's black"

Of course I agreed with her, because she's my wife and I'd do anything for her.


"Pete are you ready to go?" She called from the other side of the bathroom door.

I look ridiculous. I'm wearing baggy light wash blue jeans, a black long sleeve shirt that is also kind of baggy, a red hat, and black sunglasses. But, these are the clothes that Meagan gave me so,

"Pete hurry up!"

I opened the door and she smiled, looking pleased.

"Okay, c'mon, let's go."


We're walking around the mall, holding hands, looking at various stores. This isn't too bad.

"Can we go into the record store?" I asked out of the blue, feeling drawn to it.

"I guess." She said and guided me to the entrance.

I glanced down at my watch 2:51pm.

For some reason, I love this watch. Meagan told me she got it for me for our two year anniversary. It's silver, with gold placed randomly in the band, you can see all of the gears and screws and stuff, and it just looks so cool.

I walked around, looking at different records.

David Bowie.

I guess I like his music, because it made me smile when I saw his name.

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