Progress Report

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-Patrick's Pov-

I felt my stomach drop.

My breath caught in my throat.

I tried to pick up my phone to call Joe but my hands were shaking so bad. I couldn't think.

What if Pete left me?

What if he's dead?

What if he killed himself?

I slid to the floor and rested my head on my knees.

Deep breaths.

This doesn't mean anything. Pete wouldn't leave me. He wouldn't. Not without telling me.

Maybe he ran into an old friend. Probably.

When he starts talking to some of his old friends, he tends to get carried away.

Why am I even worrying. He's grown, he can take care of himself.

He's totally fine...

I pick up the phone and dial Pete's number.

"You've reached The number of Pete and Patrick Wentz. Please leave your name and number after the beep!" I heard his voice stop and I waited for the beep.

"Hey babe, it's me Patrick. Please hurry home. I miss you. Love you."

I pressed end and sat the phone down and waited.

And waited.

And waited.


I awoke to a knock at the door.

I sat up and moved my neck.

Fuck. I must've fallen asleep on the kitchen floor last night.

I glanced at my phone: no notifications.

I stood and went to the door. I opened it slowly, revealing a police officer.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Hello sir. Are you Patrick Wentz, husband of Pete Wentz?"

My heart sped up, I could hardly hear over my blood pumping in my ears.

"Yes." I choked out.

"I'm sorry to say this but we found Pete's car abandoned at a gas station about twenty miles north of here." He looked down before continuing,"There was blood on the seat."

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