Chapter 28

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Previously on Chapter 27

I don't want to hurt one of them by choosing between them. But I can't possibly be with two of them, because two-timing is bad thing in my eyes. What should I do?



Muichiro and Tanjiro are the two most frequent visitors that came to visit me. The other Hashira's also came to see me to check on my recovery progress. But since they are all busy, they'd only came a few times. Which makes me surprise that Muichiro is able to make time to come and see me.

I sit on the hospital bed, reading a book that Rengoku-San has brought for me. I can't leave the Hospital Ward since Shinobu-San didn't allow me to leave until she's sure I'm perfectly healed. So I'm stuck in this room for a while. I can't complain that much because I don't want to anger the Insect Hashira. She can be quite scary when she's angry. I'd rather stay on her good side.

The door slowly slide open. I turn my head to see it's Tanjiro and Nezuko. Nezuko rushes over to me. I smile softly as she snuggles to my side. I lift my hand, gently caressing her head in which she let out a content sound. I let out a soft giggle at her cuteness.

I turn my head to see Tanjiro staring at me with a fond smile on his face. I feel my cheeks growing warm. Ever since I found out that he sees me as more than a sister. It feels different to be around him. But again, there's also Muichiro who told me he loves me. I don't know what to do or who to choose between them. I don't want to hurt either of them.

"Is there something bothering you, Y/N?" Tanjiro asked. I turn my head to look at him. He takes a seat on a chair next to my bed. "You have a deep frown on your face. If there's something is bothering you. You know you can always talk to me about it. You don't have to keep it to yourself" he said. My eyes soften at how caring he is of me. It's shown clearly now that his feelings for me is sincere.

"Y/N's not feeling well?" A voice said. We turn our heads to see it's Muichiro. I didn't even hear the sound of his footsteps. When did he even get here?

"A-Ah... it's not like that, Muichiro. I'm fine" I said. He just hum softly at what I said. "When did you arrive? You were off for a mission, right?" I said. He nods his head as he takes a seat on another chair. "How did it go?" I asked.

"It's just an ordinary demon... I beat it quite easily" he said. I hum softly at what he said. "How are you feeling, Y/N?" He asked, staring at me with a gentle gaze. Is it just me, or Muichiro have been more expressive now. Is it because of me? Because of his love for me?

"Hello? Earth to, Y/N..." Muichiro said, lightly waving his hand in front of my face. I blink my eyes, snapping out of my daze. He lowers his hand as he stares at me with a worried gaze. "Don't go zoning out on me now. Maybe what Tanjiro said is right. Do you feel some sort of discomfort? Should I call for Kocho-San for you?" He said.

"N-No... that w-won't be necessary, Muichiro" I said, waving my hands frantically. I don't want him to ended up bothering Kocho as she would be quite busy with her own errands to do. I don't want to burden her. "It's not needed to call her" I said. He squints his eyes as if he didn't believe me.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nod my head lightly. He place his hand on my cheek, leaning his face close to mine. "100%?" He asked again.

"Yes, Muichiro! Sheesh!! I'm okay" I said, gently pushing him back by his chest. He just hums and nods his head. I let out a sigh. "I'm really okay. Don't worry..." I said.

"We'll always be worried when it comes to you, Y/N" Tanjiro said. I turn my head to look at him. I turn to Muichiro to see him nodding his head, staring at me with a serious gaze. He seems to agree with Tanjiro's statement.

I close my eyes as I let out a sigh at their reactions. No matter what I said, these two would always be worried about me. But I know I can't blame them. After all, I was on death's door after being poisoned during my last mission.

"I assure you both... I'm all right" I said. They only give me a small smile. They take a seat on either side of me as they wrap their arms around me. I just smile as I let my body relax in their embrace.

The door opens to reveal Shinobu-San. I smile softly at the sight of her. "Y/N's not feeling well, Kocho-San..." Muichiro said. My head snapped towards his direction. I hear footsteps coming closer and turn my head to see Shinobu-San walking up to me.

"E-Eh... I'm fine, Shinobu-San!" I said. She looks like she is doubting me. I huffed and turn to look at Muichiro. "Muichiro!!!" I scolded. He just sends me a small smile, trying to feint innocent. I let out a sigh with my eyes close.

I feel a hand on my forehead, and open my eyes to see Shinobu-San as she checks my temperature. I gently place my hand on her wrist, slowly it from my forehead. "I assure you, Shinobu-San. I'm fine" I said. She just nod her head, humming softly.

"Yeah... you seem fine" she said. I let out a sigh of relief as she seems to trust me. She walks towards the table and turn to me. "But just to be sure. I'll be checking on you" she said, holding up some tools. She turns to look at the boys, gesturing them to leave the room.

"Oh goodness..." I muttered. Muichiro and Tanjiro make their way out of the room. Shinobu-San walks up to me. I just sit still as she starts to check me, from my pulse to everything else.

"Yep... you're fine. But those two boys seem to worry so much about you, Y/N-Chan..." she said. I just give her a small smile. She takes a seat on the wooden chair. "Say... I've heard a rumor that those two confessed to you that they love you. Is that true?" She asked. I feel my cheeks growing warm at her question.

"Y-Yeah... that's true" I said, nodding my head. I let out a sigh as I think about those two. "Which is why I'm a little troubled, Shinobu-San. I don't want to hurt one of them by choosing. What should I do?" I said.

"Just follow what's your mind's telling you" she said. I turn my head to look at her in confusion. "Well, a lot of people told us to follow our hearts. While that's kind of helpful. It's better to follow the mind, because our mind is wise. It always disagree with the hearts, because it wants and knows what is best for us. So just follow your mind. I'm sure the boys will respect whoever you choose in the end..." she said. I smile softly at her. I feel a little better after talking to her about this. She gives my back a gentle pat.

"Thank you, Shinobu-San..." I said. She smiles at me. She turns around and makes her way out of the room. Muichiro and Tanjiro instantly went back inside. They claim their spot on either side of me on the edge of the bed.

The two of them are smiling as they stare at me with a loving gaze. I give each of them a soft smile. My mind recalls what Shinobu-San has said. Follow my mind, huh? Sure... I'll go with that.

*to be continued*

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