Chapter 88

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"I don't think I've ever been more terrified," Benny told the small crowd. They were all sitting around the television, chatting while time passed for their clients. "Meeting the boss' wife was nice, but having to tell the boss was the worst!"

"I'm surprised he didn't get mad at you," Larry looked in shock at them. Being a show host most of his mortal life trained him to have a very expressive face. "Don't gods get enraged when it comes to their wives or something?"

"We're not getting into that," Obasi shook his head. "I was alive around Ancient Greece. The amount of drama just one god could have was crazy."

"A lot has changed since then," Lee spoke up. His dark eyes brightened when he spoke of the past. "I doubt Mr. Eros is the same as he was all those years ago. I'm sure his wife is different as well."

"Well, I know that," Larry waved the old cupid off. "I mean, Will and Benny are still alive, so it couldn't have been that bad."

"He basically told us to never do it again," Will said. He still felt nervous talking about it. "On the bright side, Benny and I got her blessing for Anton and Lucas."

"I knew they were going to be the best for each other!" Benny cheered. "This is going to be smooth. All we have to do is wait for them to profess their love and then-!"

"You still have to wait six months to see if it'll stick," Obasi said. "Just because Mateo had him for three months doesn't mean that you get a shortcut for him and Lucas."

"They're already such a cute couple," Lee smiled at the screen. Anton was holding his stomach on the plane. Lucas caught onto it immediately. They were talking the whole flight too, which he was sure that it wasn't normal for either of them to do. They both acted so naturally towards each other.

"This is going to be easy," Benny leaned back on the heart themed couch. "I mean, first I was worried about Anton's ex, and that whole situation. But if Anton agreed to go with him on this trip, then there's no way he isn't serious about Lucas."

"This would typically be the point where he would distance himself from everyone," Obasi agreed. "That's his pattern: as soon as Nox comes around, he starts being distant, usually falling into a depression, and eventually breaks up with whoever he's with."

"Sounds like he needs therapy," Larry said. "That's not healthy."

"His cousin's helped a lot," Obasi told him. "Gabe has an unorthodox way of getting Anton to talk, but it's helped him throughout the years."

"I knew he'd be good to his family," Will smiled. "You should have seen how he took care of his baby brother."

"You still aren't able to see him, Will," Obasi warned. "You're lucky that I'm even allowed to give you this information." Letting Will reminisce about that case was never a good sign. He had done enough damage to Gabe's relationships. Getting involved again would lead to disaster.

"Mamá!" They heard Lucas yell from the television screen. He looked like he was a little kid again, going up to hug her. His mother seemed so happy to see him, too. The reunion was heartwarming.

"It looks like Lucas has more family here than Anton," Lee said, enjoying the scene. "I think they're planning something for him."

"I hope Anton doesn't feel too out of place," Benny frowned. Anton stayed in the background while Lucas was hugging his family. He didn't look that uncomfortable. But he was looking in the other direction.

"They don't seem like the type to let him stay in the back," Larry said. "Big families like those are social butterflies."

Sure enough, as soon as Lucas introduced Anton, they immediately welcomed him. Lucas' brothers got along with him quickly, especially on the car ride. Will and Benny both were surprised that Anton didn't want to skip the party. He looked really tired.

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