Chapter 96

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It was different being in that small house compared to the big, crowded one his family shared. It was much quieter without the kids running around and screaming. Lucas loved his family, but it was an overwhelming feeling being around that many people all the time. Coming to this ranch was a great way to balance their vacation. He could see Anton enjoyed it a lot, too.

The only problem they had was when Anton was trying to finish the payroll for his work. His mom didn't have the best internet, and the website was giving him nothing but problems.

"Here," Lucas offered his hand, hovering over the touchpad of the laptop. "I might know a trick to this."

"Luke, you haven't ever touched this stuff," Anton complained. He still let Lucas do what he wanted though, rubbing his head in frustration. "How do you expect to-!"

He stopped as soon as he saw a loading screen, followed by a message that said the checks were sent. It only took Lucas a few clicks that time, and the luck of the internet working with him at that moment.

"I've been on websites like these all the time," he told him, hugging the brunette from behind. "We helped people with payroll too, you know." Many of the payroll contracts helped businesses set up on websites such as the one Anton was using. It was to help them set up direct deposits, among other things. And, while Lucas wasn't a technician with those websites, he had to problem solve a lot with their clients. Many hated calling someone else to get things fixed.

"What did you do?" Anton asked, trying to look at him. "Show me."

Lucas did as he was told, telling some stories of clients who had similar problems. The workers of the website could be a pain to get ahold of. And sometimes Lucas would have to call them himself. He enjoyed learning about the common problems and the work arounds. That way he could educate his clients and allow them to be more confident in what they were doing.

"That's why you had so many clients," Anton told him. "You actually cared enough about them and their business that you learned and worked with them."

"That was in my job description, though."

"It doesn't matter if it's in your job description or not," Anton told him. "There are many people with that old company of yours that didn't care enough. I looked into the reviews of the place."

He was a bit surprised to hear that coming from him. Lucas guessed that it was just because he wasn't used to getting any compliments from him. Although that had changed a lot recently. Now that he was more relaxed, Anton's defenses went down. It really felt like he was enjoying himself.

He had fun spending time with him, even when it was simply dealing with computers or his job. It seemed like Lucas had managed to impress the man. Lucas would wear that like a badge of honor. It had to be a first for him.

The only thing that wasn't fun about the work was when it had come to an end. Everything had been nice and relaxing, Lucas almost didn't want it to end. He was still excited to start a new life in Amor. He just wasn't looking forward to searching for an apartment, and then a job. The money he had saved would help him for a while, but not forever. And it was much easier to spend than save.

Irene was sad to see them go, just like Lucas' mom had been the week before. They had a few errands to run before getting on their flight too. Returning the rental car was one of them. Lucas tried to make sure that Anton didn't have to worry about anything. He knew that he was nervous about plane flights, so the least he could do was take some stress off his shoulders. Anton made some phone calls to his workers while they were driving, making sure they knew he was coming back. Other than that, though, the drive was just the two of them.

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