Chapter 92

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"You're too easy to love."

"So are you, baby."

Benny paused the television screen, moving his arm dramatically towards the screen. It had been blank for a while before finally showing a picture when they were in the bathroom with clothes on. Judging on their wet hair and the damp towels, all the cupids in that room could tell that they had just finished a shower. As far as what happened during the time when the television had lost signal, however, they had no clue about.

"That counts, right?!" Benny asked no one in particular. Then he looked over to Will. "Please tell me that counts!"

"It might," Will said, looking up from a pile of papers. He had pulled out a table to use as a temporary desk in the breakroom. It was better than going to his office at the moment. This way he wouldn't miss out on anything with the couple that they were trying to keep track of. "It depends on how it's perceived."

"But he called him baby!" The blond frantically threw his arms in the air. "That's got to mean something!"

"In this day and age?" Obasi shrugged. "People throw around pet names like crazy. I don't think this is going to count until they both say point blank that they love each other."

"There's no way this doesn't mean anything, though!" Benny argued. "Anton doesn't just throw that word everywhere. He never said anything like that to Mateo."

"I don't think we have anything to worry about with Anton and Lucas either way," Will said, looking through another file. "They're a slow burn romance, anyway. It might take them a while to admit to each other their love."

Anton had always been the type to take things slow in a relationship. Lucas, according to his file, hadn't, but he was willing to go at Anton's pace. Will thought it was sweet just how eager the man was to accommodate Anton and make him feel comfortable. It warmed his heart.

"I'm still surprised that it was Benny who chose right," Lee chuckled, sitting on the couch with the blond. "Will, you're usually the one with the best ideas."

"Hey!" Benny pouted at the old man. "Just because he's been here the longest, doesn't mean that I don't have some great ideas too you know!"

"Benny's capable of making some great choices," Will told Lee. "And everyone makes mistakes. How did you think I ended up in the situation I'm in, after all?"

Will used to be dealing with much difficult cases. Closed Heart cases as well as the ones for people who were royals or leaders. There are many different projects that he had been put on before everything was taken from him. He used to think that he could make no mistakes when it came to finding a match. And, for the first half of his career, he didn't make any mistakes match making.

But all it takes is one wrong match to humble you really quick, and Will had done a pretty bad job at that one. Ever since then, Will made plenty of mistakes. It took until recently that he finally got his groove back. Even then, Will understood that sometimes mistakes were meant to happen.

Choosing Mateo for Anton, for example. There weren't many signs that they wouldn't be a good match. It was just whether Mateo was willing to give up the toxic part of himself in order to change for good. Since it didn't work with Anton, though, it wasn't the end of the world. It just meant that they had to find a different plan for him.

And Will had to hope that didn't count as Mateo's only chance. He was still trying to get the paperwork done to elevate the issue. Otherwise, his case was going over to the Anticupid Department. And he really didn't think that was necessary.

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