Chapter 97

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A part of him felt like he was going to regret his decision. The logic pointed towards so many anecdotes of people who had hired someone they were in a relationship with and it turned out to be a disaster. But he could also see the perks to having Lucas as a worker for his café. He wasn't entirely wrong when he told Anton that he needed someone else to give the extra work to.

He just had a feeling that it would work. And Anton had recently decided to try and listen to those feelings recently. Everything had been moving so quickly, but he was happy, and he was going to try and stay happy.

Even when he got home and realized that he was going to have to face everyone again.

Gabe and his dad were at the terminal gate to meet them when they landed. It wasn't too bad, the drive home. Anton waited until they were at home and Lucas was in the other room to ask if it was alright for him to stay for a little bit. Thankfully, his father didn't really care, just as long as he didn't eat all of the food and didn't destroy the house.

"You really like him, don't you?" His dad asked.

"Why are you asking me that?" Anton looked at him suspiciously.

"Because you never asked me if one of your boyfriends could stay over," he answered. "Not even Nox."

"I never trusted Nox," Anton answered honestly. That was the true reason why he was anxious about coming home. He really wished that he could just blink and the situation with Nox could just go away. But he told Lucas that he was going to go ahead with a restraining order, and he was going to stick to it.

Gabe was immediately interested when he heard that. The day after they got back, he was helping Lucas get the paperwork set up for Anton. He had to stop by the café for a little bit just to make sure everything was in order first. Anton was pleasantly surprised to see that everything was still clean and going well.

He might actually have to promote one of them to assistant manager or something. This had to be the first time he could be away from the café and find that it was still in order. There were so many things that he thought he was going to have to do, including yell at a few people.

Instead, everything was already done.

"Hey, Anton!" One of the customers came in right as he was checking the tables. "Glad to have you back!"

"Hey, Valentino," Anton greeted him. "I'm glad to be back." Knowing how this city worked, word had probably gotten around the same day that he was going on a vacation. Everyone probably already knew about what happened with Nox, too.

Anton absolutely hated gossip, yet he chose one of the most gossip-ridden cities to stay in and make a home. He supposed it was just his luck.

"I heard what happened with Nox, by the way," Valentino said. The lobby was quiet, as work was slow right then. Anton looked up from his table to see the man leaning against the wall next to him, wearing jeans and a light pink, sleeveless shirt.

"I'm sure the whole city's heard," Anton sighed. Valentino wasn't typically a gossip. On the rare times that he talked, it was typically about his family or his job. He was simple and quiet, yet his style was always so loud. He was one of the only men in Amor that wore pink religiously.

Pink sportscar included.

But he wasn't exactly expecting to have him bring this up. Maybe some of the other regulars. Solomon would definitely be stopping in to hear the news of what happened. If not him, then his friend Jessy. She was a huge gossip.

"Everyone was talking about that being why you took a vacation," Valentino told him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Valentino," Anton sighed again, trying to find something to clean. He didn't like talking about uncomfortable things without doing something with his hands. "It's just a normal thing for me. How are things going with you?"

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