Chapter 94

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"Oh, you would love my mom," he told her. "She used to be a secretary too for a while."

"I used to have nightmares about the way one of my bosses would say my name," Irene rubbed her forehead. The way her and her son acted the same was almost uncanny. Lucas immediately knew who Anton got his stubbornness from. The two of them could barely stay sitting down around each other.

"My mom always got her name pronounced incorrectly," he told her. "She found a new job quickly though. She always told us that secretaries were a different breed."

"Sometimes it was like dealing with a bunch of toddlers," she chuckled. "Although, Anton behaved better than most of those men when he was three."

It was morning now. The night had gone well, although they had to end it short. They were both exhausted after driving for that long. And they didn't get much sleep the night before. Anton's mom seemed to understand. She was simply happy to have her son with her. Lucas already liked her. She was a talkative woman, and very down to earth, too.

She was also a lot like her son. They both were stubborn, sure, but it was really the mannerisms the two of them shared that was funny to watch. They both liked to fidget with certain things while talking. It was like they both had to be doing something all the time.

Neither of them seemed to be able to accept nice things, either.

"You really didn't have to make breakfast, you know," she said. "I was just going to start on it after I checked on the animals."

"It' not a problem for me," Lucas shrugged, pushing a plate towards her. "I'm used to waking up really early, and I love making breakfast."

He had actually gotten up before the sun rose just so he could run to the store and get some ingredients. Lucas was glad that he didn't wake anyone up. He really wanted it to be a surprise.

Of course, a part of the reason as because of Anton. He remembered how he said that he didn't like his mom's cooking. Lucas almost forgot until he saw the man quickly offer pizza the night before. He must have really loved his mom his whole life to have never said anything about her cooking, even until now. It was kind of cute to see how much he tried to care for her. She was also the only one that Anton seemed to be comfortable talking with a lot. Most of the time when they were around others, the brunette stayed quiet, only saying a few choice words when necessary.

He was really quiet around Lucas' family. He hoped they didn't scare him too much.

"You're going to have to get used to Anton, then," Irene shook her head, taking some bites of the food. "That boy's always a night owl. He'll never get up early unless he has at least four alarms."

"I'd rather let him sleep this time," he told her, grabbing a plate for himself. "He rarely got any sleep back in Florida."

"That's because of all that caffeine," she huffed. "I kept telling him to stop drinking that stuff. It's going to give him a heart attack. Then what does he do? Buys out a café that has enough caffeine to make it to where you can never sleep again!"

"He makes some great drinks," Lucas chuckled. "You should try them sometime."

"Oh, I know," she said. "His father tells me all the time. I've never heard that man be so proud of one of his kids."

"I'm glad he is," Lucas smiled.

"Me too," she sighed. "It was hard enough just trying to get involved in his life growing up." She had such a tired look as she said it. Her green eyes stared off through the kitchen window.

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