Chapter 100

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"Yes!" Benny pumped his fist in the air. "They finally said it!"

"Talk about a productive day," Sarah smiled at the screen. "A restraining order in place, a new job, and a declaration of love."

"I'm so glad the restraining order went through fast," Justin said. "That was so much paperwork to try and make it happen."

"You had to do paperwork for that?" Benny asked. "I thought all you did was give Nox bad luck and bodily harm?"

"You can request things like that," Justin answered. "It's just not easy. Since it affects the mortal world, we can't do it unless we have a really good reason."

"And the victim has to actually want it," Sarah added. "Even then though, it's really rare for them to approve a request like that."

"Your boss probably had something to do with it," Obasi told her. "Especially if he had been wanting you guys to not involve Anton in the first place. He probably felt bad and made sure the request went through."

Anteros was nicer than he appeared to be. The main entity that restrained him were the Fates themselves. That was why they had all of this paperwork that they shuffled around. If it weren't for the Fates, then Anteros would probably still be doing what he had in the past.

Sometimes Obasi missed the old days. Things were much bloodier, but at least people actually feared the repercussions of their actions.

"I don't know if Anteros would do that," Benny said, looking a bit nervous even saying his name. "I mean, he's a big stickler for the rules."

"Not really," Will shrugged. "He just doesn't like me, Benny. There's a difference. Trust me."

"You know," Sarah shook her head. "I really don't know why he still has such a grudge against you. That was so long ago."

"Not to a god," Will told her. As much as it wasn't a nice conversation to have, Will was still happy. All he had to do was look at the screen and it made him smile all over again. The two love birds were laughing and hiding behind the menus at a local diner now, celebrating some amazing news.

It was nice to see for a change. Will had seen the coffee boy for a couple of years at least. From the moment they had their first assignment in Amor with Solomon and Niko, he knew of the unemotional man. It was such a pleasant surprise to see him relaxed and happy. He was much less tense when they were on vacation, but you could see the relief he had when he looked at the paperwork for the restraining order. It looked like he could finally breath now. His peace was brought back to him.

"You know, Benny," Will put an arm around his partner. "I'm really proud of you."

"You are?" The blond looked somewhat shocked at that, and caught off guard just a little, too.

"I am," Will smiled at his best friend. "You've really gotten your confidence back when it comes to making matches. It was also the first time you argued against me about who was the better match."

"I just didn't think Mateo was a good fit for him," The blond held his arm nervously. "I didn't exactly want to yell at you or anything."

"And you didn't," Will told him. His chocolate-caramel eyes swirled with happiness. "But if you hadn't fought so hard for Lucas, then we wouldn't have seen just how happy both of them could be."

"Yeah," Benny gave him a warm smile as he turned to the screen again. It was hard to look away when they warmed his heart so much. "There are just some cases that remind you why you chose this job in the first place."

"I thought Niko and Solomon were that for you two," Sarah said. She was enjoying the break that she had before getting back to Nox. Their revenge on him wasn't quite done yet.

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