Chapter 91

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Author's Note: !!!!SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING!!!! Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy the next chapter continuing this sex scene that I had started in the previous chapter. It was originally only meant to be one, but I was having too much fun and wound up splitting it into two instead. If you don't like to read scenes like this, feel free to skip this chapter. For all of those who do enjoy reading it: ENJOY.

Thanks for all the votes and comments! I'll see you all soon with another update!


Lucas was way too good with his hands. Anton had no idea how he made him feel that way just from some fingers, but he'll be damned if Lucas stopped it right then. It didn't matter if he finished or not when it felt that good. And they hadn't even been able to get to the main event. Anton didn't know why Lucas kept his fingers rubbing against him for so long, but it wasn't going to stop him from what he really wanted.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked. He always looked concerned for him. But this time it was different. Because his dark eyes still showed the need that he had. And his body was still very, very stiff.

Including the one that Anton had been sitting on from the moment the man pulled him on top.

"Why?" He asked, slowly moving his hips away from the fingers that were inside him. Instead, he moved them towards the part of Lucas' body that practically begged for attention. "You think I can't go on after just finishing once?"

Anton didn't know what had gotten into him right then. There was just something about Lucas' adorable concern that made him feel safe enough to tease him like this. In the bedroom, he had plenty of experience. But Anton was never typically the person to talk dirty. He was perfectly fine with white noise and focusing on touch instead of what to say. This was the first time he was talking as much.

The way this man reacted to such a simple question like that only fueled him to keep going too.

"It took you a little bit to get back into it the last time," Lucas answered, his voice was very breathy. "I'm just saying that if you need a break, it's okay. I'd wait an eternity."

"I don't think the other half of your body would like that very much," Anton said, straddling his hips. Lucas had moved his hands to rub Anton's legs. Even the simplest touch was addictive to him.

"I just meant-!"

Anton didn't silence him with another kiss. Instead, he rubbed against him, eliciting the most seductive moan he had ever heard come from any man's mouth. Just hearing that was enough for Anton to start to get turned on again. It was audio ecstasy, that sound. He wished he could have a recording of it, just for when he was alone late at night.

"Use me," Anton told him. He moved his hand up and down that smooth chest of his. He had never seen someone look so entranced by him. For once in a long time, this was a first. No one had made him feel like this. Anton had no idea how he could let someone into his life so fast, but it was way too late to turn back now. This man somehow beat every other man Anton had ever been with.

Lucas listened obediently to him. Even just adding the tip in sent waves of pleasure through his body. Anton slowly lowered himself onto Lucas, wanting to get every inch inside him. The slowness was partly to savor the moment, and partly used to tease Lucas some more. He was hot when he was teased. He didn't beg, but his body practically did. He was very good at listening to Anton's needs, too.

They both moaned when Anton got to the base. Their hips met each other again, and Anton could barely even see past the stars that were in his vision. His hips might be sore after this, but he would do it again and again if he could. He would die in this position if he could choose.

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