Chapter 99

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"There's no way it was that easy," he said as they walked out of the police station. He had already felt uncomfortable just thinking about this. It was a whole other matter actually doing it.

It was probably good that Lucas had kept pushing him to go and get it done. It just still felt wrong to him for some reason. Like he was overreacting. He knew that it didn't make much logical sense, but a part of him was too comfortable in the idea that maybe, if he just ignored it for long enough, it would go away.

Considering how long it had already been, though, those odds were looking incredibly slim.

"Well," Lucas said. "It's just a temporary restraining order for now. You're lucky one of the officers heard what happened before we left. Otherwise, it would be a little longer before you would be able to get one."

"I'm not even sure I have enough evidence for it," Anton said. The person who was helping them set it up wound up talking to them about if there were any video evidence and if he still had old text messages from him. If he were being completely honest, he deleted most of Nox's messages. He just never wanted to remember him, no matter how much it would have helped him now.

"What about that other guy that talked to you about him right before he showed up that night?" Lucas asked. "He could probably attest to your ex's behavior."

"Kaiden?" Anton looked at him incredulously. "I don't know if I want to ask him that. He didn't exactly make him feel good about himself either."

Kaiden had talked to Anton a lot when he had broken up with him. Anton wanted to warn him when they started dating, but it would only make matters worse. Instead, he just had to hear all the horrors of what the dumbass did to hurt Kaiden after it was said and done. And somehow, they had become friends in a way, after all of that.

But he knew how much Kaiden hurt talking about him. He didn't know if he wanted to ask him to do something so big.

"I think it would be a good idea to ask, at least," Lucas said, as if reading his mind. "The worst he could say is no, and then you don't have to talk to him about it ever again."

"I guess you're right," Anton sighed, looking at the paper. There was just something about it that made him feel lighter. Like he had a weight off his shoulder. One that had been there for a very long time, just getting heavier with every year that passed.

It might not even do anything, considering how much of an idiot his ex was. But it felt good knowing that he had some mode of protection against him. The only thing he had done to keep him away was change his phone number a bunch of times and ban him from his café. That's all he felt he could do then.

"Come on," Lucas grabbed his arm, leading him towards the car. "Let's go do something to forget about all of this for now. You don't have to take care of it all today."

"But this is only temporary."

"It's not a one day restraining order," Lucas told him. "We have time, Sweetheart. And you did something that you really didn't feel comfortable doing. Let's just relax and have fun the rest of the day. You have to reward yourself somehow."

He didn't know why, but every time he called him sweetheart, it made his heart race a bit. He had been called by nicknames or pet names before, but it never made him feel like this.

Anton let the man drag him to his own car, snatching his keys before he could even think to try and drive. Lucas had been enjoying driving him around. It wasn't what he was used to, but he couldn't say he didn't like it.

In the business world, so much can happen in such a short amount of time. Even with marketing, it sometimes felt as though nothing ever stayed the same. The only thing that had was the home life that he had, and now that was beginning to change too. He was waking up next to someone each morning. He didn't have to stare at a wall or into the mirror after a shower to think about everything in his life. Instead, he could simply get out there and enjoy the day. Every one of them had something new and different.

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