she is all

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I couldn't sleep the whole night because I was busy watching my wife sleeping in my arms. There was a peaceful feeling that night because I realized how much she trusted me.

I love her so much and if anything ever happened to her I swear I don't know what am I gonna do.

I was wide awake when I heard a strange noise from the ground floor. What it could be? It 3 am.

This property was my father's and there was no neighborhood until a km or something.

I carefully put Khushi down on the bed and grabbed the gun from my secret spot. This was the only secret I hid from my wife. I carry a gun with me everywhere after she got shot but thank god my wife had never noticed and I would love to keep it that way.

I slowly made my way to the stairs and started stepping down without making any noise.

I looked everywhere in the house but I found nothing.

Maybe it was so animal, I thought and started walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

" Hi Love", I heard a voice as I was drinking water and I almost choked on it. My reflexes made me point the gun at the person who called me.

It was dark and I couldn't identify the face but it was a woman and the voice felt painfully familiar.

" Who are you?", I asked in a threatening tone.

" Ruhan it's it's me... Riya"

That name!!!

My heart stopped. No no no this psychopath can't be anywhere near my wife. This girl almost killed me when she stabbed me. Yes, she is my ex-girlfriend who was supposed to be in a mental facility. What is she doing here and how does she know where I am?

" Guards", I yelled in fear.

" Ruhan please calm down. I missed you so much and I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that's why I came here", she began.

" Boss", guards came running.

" How did she get in? Huh?? ", I glared at them.

" Ruhan please don't be mad at them. I am just very familiar with this place because of you so I know all the secret doors"

" Get her out of here or else you'll lose your life today", I ordered my guards.

I was so terrified of what she might do to Khushi. If anything happens to her because of me... No No No... she needs to go NOWWW!!!

My guards held her tightly and she tried to let go of their grip.

" Ruhan please I am fine now. I AM CHANGED", she begged.

"Even though you are declared sane Riya I don't want you anywhere near my wi... me. Just go or else I'll make you regret your decision to come here", I screamed loudly enough to threaten her but quiet enough to not wake up my wife.

" Please Ruhan I just want to apologize", she cried but I didn't care. I just cared about my wife. I was fucking scared to death.

" Just go", I yelled again.

" Ruhan", I heard a weak voice from the stairs.

No no no she can't be here no no no. 

I turned to Khushi, she looked horrified and half-sleepy.

" Please go back to the room", I ordered her.

" Why... why do you have a ... gun?", she gulped trembling on stairs as she noticed gun in my hands.

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