is she....?

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It has been 2 months since that day. Khushi decided to take the offer and started working again. Our life had been pretty normal since then. Our lives had settled into a comfortable routine since then.

Today, I woke up later than usual, with a light schedule ahead. Finding my wife had already gone to work, I took the opportunity to join Rohan in the kitchen and assist with cooking. As we prepared lunch, my mom joined us in the kitchen, engaging us in conversation.

"Ruhan I couldn't help but notice, that Khushi has been acting strange lately" " Mom began.

"How?", I asked.

"I don't know, she doesn't eat properly at dinner. Her favorite dishes are not her favorite anymore. Is this because of work?", she asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I've noticed it too. She's been a bit off lately. It's like she's constantly on edge, picking fights over trivial matters, and then apologizing the next second," I responded, voicing my concerns.

"She's been dozing off unexpectedly," I mentioned. "And just a couple of days back, she couldn't even stomach her favorite waffle. She vomited after just one bite."

"I think work stress is making her sick. I need to talk to her," I asserted.

"Ruhan, I think there's more to it," Mom interjected, her tone serious. "Yesterday, she fainted and almost hit her head on the dining table before going to sleep."

"What? Why don't I know about this?" I exclaimed, my worry deepening.

"Because she didn't want you to worry," Mom explained, her voice laced with concern.

"Has she been feeling nauseous in the mornings?" Mom asked. I nodded, recalling instances when certain scents made her feel queasy.

"Has she missed her periods this month?" Mom's question hit me like a ton of bricks, suddenly connecting the dots between Khushi's recent behavior and a potential explanation.

"Yeah, she said they were late... but... but I think she did miss her dates but due to her busy work schedule she forgot about it," I stuttered, the words heavy with concern and realization.

"Is there a possibility she might be... pregnant?" Mom asked cautiously, her voice filled with concern as if trying to prepare me for a possible shock. Taking a deep breath, I nodded slowly, trying to process the enormity of the possibility. We had been intimate quite a few times and chances are very high.

Panic surged through me as realization hit me. How did I miss all the signs?

"But mom I... I don't want her to be pregnant", I stuttered.

"Why?", she asked.

"Because I mean... look at her. Does she really look fit enough to have a baby? She's so tiny herself, how will she be able to handle everything? There can be so many complications, and I can't lose her, Mom," I explained, my voice trembling with worry and uncertainty.

"Ruhan... she's petite because everyone in her family has that body type, but that doesn't make her unfit", mom protested.

No matter what she said I can't take the risk. I can't let her go through all the pain. I just can't even imagine happening something to her.

"Mom is right bhai, she is stronger than you think", Rohan assured me.

But I was scared as fuck. I don't know if my wife was aware of her own situation. I must talk to her when she comes back. I don't know how she will react!


Evening 8:30 pm

" Ruhan it's 8.30 already where is Khushi", mom asked as I walked out of the room.

Her worry ends at 6 and I have trying to reach her from like 7 but she is not answering me. So I decided to go to her office.

"I am going to her office to check out", I informed her.

Where did she go? What if Riya did something to her.... no No think positive you asshole!!

As I reached her office I asked her manager as I walked in.

On my way to the office, I got a call from her bodyguard whom I was trying to reach too but he didnt pick up.

" Where is she?", I yelled.

" Sir.... Mam...Mam... she", he began.

" Stop stuttering and talk", I yelled.

" Sid sir came to meet her and then they were talking and suddenly someone hit me from behind and before I was knocked out I saw Riya putting a cloth on mam's face then... then I don't know what happened. I just got my consciousness back"

" Keep looking ", I hung up.

I quickly called Sid but his phone was out of coverage. What is happening!!

Riya !!! What if she hurt her?? No no, I can't let that happen. Also given Khushi's condition I can't take any chances. I need to find her right now.

I decided to go to Sid's house.



When my work got over I started walking towards the basement where the car was Parked. When I got out of life I found Sid waiting for me.

" Hey Sid! What are you doing here?", I asked him as I approached him.

" Hi I just thought ... maybe I could meet you... Red look I am sorry for what's gonna happen now", he was acting strange.

" What?", before I could ask anything I felt a cloth on my face and the next second I was losing consciousness.


As I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom, confusion clouded my mind. The last thing I remembered was greeting Sid, but everything after that was a blank. Panic surged through me as I realized I didn't know where I was.

Before I could gather my bearings, a wave of nausea hit me like a freight train. Hastily, I staggered out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. The vomiting seemed endless, leaving my throat raw and my head spinning.

After what felt like an eternity, I managed to steady myself against the walls and splashed some water on my face. But as I attempted to stand upright, a crippling wave of dizziness engulfed me, and the world faded to black once more.

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