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From the day Red ran away, I had always had my eyes on her. I always knew where she was, and what she was doing but I never told anyone. I could never let go of her. How can I? I loved her more than myself.

I tried to have a new life with Suhani and my little girl but even though I had everything, there was never a single day that I didn't miss my Red.

I loved Suhani too but she was never enough because she was not Red.

I never wanted Ruhan to find her but somehow he did. I would never hurt Ruhan so I let him have his fun and waited for the right moment to have my Redback.

After I saw the way Ruhan treated her when he got sick and acted like an asshole. He doesn't care about anyone other than his work.

Riya came to be after Ruhan made her leave. She asked me for my help. She warned me that If I didn't help her she would hurt Red. I can't let Red pay for Ruhan's fling. So I agreed to help her.

Surprisingly, Riya had also managed to manipulate Ahan Singhania to help her. I don't what to know what relation they shared but he was interested in Rohan. I never bothered to ask why because all I care about right now is Red.

For the world, Suhani and I are a perfect lovely couple but nothing was perfect. She was tired of my obsession with Red. She asked me to give her divorce right after she saw pictures of Red and Ruhan in their pool after the Vastu Pujan that I asked my man to send me. She found out that I had been keeping an eye on her.

I threatened her to keep quiet otherwise I would take little Khushi away from her. She had no option so she agreed and in return, I let her go back to home with our little girl.

When I saw Red with Ruhan in the pool, in Ladakh, in her house everywhere, I knew it should have been me. I was the one who was supposed to be with her.

Of course, I love my girls but I want Red. That's it!!

I drove to Red's workplace to execute the plan that Riya had planned. She wanted Ruhan, I wanted Red and Ahan wanted Rohan. What a coincidence!!

I parked my car and waited for Red to come.

" Hey Sid! What are you doing here?", she asked me as she approached me

" Hi I just thought ... maybe I could meet you... Red look I am sorry for what's gonna happen now"

Before she could react or say anything, Riya sedated her, and I caught her in my arms.

" Keep her with you. If she interfered between me and Ruhan, I will kill her", Riya warned.

" Keep your dirty hands to yourself. I dare you to even look at her you psychopath ", I warned.

" I will move the next price of the game now", she winked and walked away.

I brought Red to my friend's empty house, carefully placing her on the bed and covering her with a blanket. While downstairs preparing dinner for her, I heard a sudden thud from upstairs. Dropping everything, I rushed to her room.

There, I found Red on the bathroom floor as I entered. "Red... hey, wake up," I urged, attempting to rouse her, but it seemed she had fainted.

Swiftly, I lifted her back onto the bed and called for a doctor.

The doctor came and checked her, he said it might be due to stress or weakness. I felt relieved that there was nothing serious.

Red began to stir, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly regained consciousness. I let out a sigh of relief as I watched her start to wake up.

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