The representative of heaven pt 2

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Direct continuation of last chapter

Emily pov
Why did they do that...they were about to...but Y/n..." I couldn't stop shaking but I was hugged gently. I heard Y/n say "shh're safe now. I wouldn't let anything happen to you...just try to breathe a bit for me alright Shhh." I listened to Y/n's soothing voice and I realized he was just being nice all along. He paid for both of our way into the fair and he saved me...why is my heart hurting a bit...did I fall for him...No that isn't possible. He's the embodiment of Envy and in one of the highest Seraphim on heavens court. Who knows what would happen if I fell for him...wait if he saved me...then why is he stuck down there...I should ask. I took a couple deep breaths and he asked "do you feel a bit better and understand I mean no ill intent towards you." I calmly said "yeah I feel a bit better and understand you mean no harm towards me."

Y/n nodded and he asked "Are you ready to go somewhere else since plan A didn't work." I nodded and I got off of his lap and he let out a small groan of pain. I took a second to look and seen he had a long gash on his right calf. I panicked and shouted full of panic "ARE YOU OK?!!" I watched Y/n stand up and he had some labored breathing and said "I'm ok...not the worse wound I had. Afterall I jumped over some barbed wire so that's how I got it. Don't worry too much about it Emily alright." I felt horrible that he suffered such a wound because of me. Y/n looked at me and smiled softly and he said "just give me a few moments and it should stop breeding and quickly scab over." I nodded and he sat there on the ground for a bit until a dim f/c hue appeared over the gash and we watched it start to scab over quickly and repair its own skin. After a few moments of silence Y/n stood up and he cheerfully said "See good as new."

He smiled softly at me and said "how about we go get some Ice cream." I was confused on what ice cream exactly was which he said " never seen or heard about ice cream?" I shrugged and he grabbed my arm and said you'll love it Emily." He started dragging me and we stopped outside of a small building and he said ok look at the menu and pick a flavor. I already know what flavor I'm getting. I looked at the menu and I said "vanilla sounds nice." Y/n nodded and said "ahh a classic. I'm getting (insert favorite ice cream flavor here) I love this flavor of ice cream." It was our turn and he said you order first and I'll follow in suit. I nodded and the lady said "you're absolutely adorable...what can I get you started on today ma'am?" I said "just a regular vanilla ice cream ma'am." She nodded and I said "your up Y/n." He nodded and he said "hello miss may I get a double scoop of (insert favorite flavor here)" the lady nodded and said "of course dear. That'll be $12.97." Y/n nodded and pulled out some cash and handed it to her and she shouted our orders to the back and we stepped aside and we watched a few people order and our order was called which Y/n walked over and grabbed our ice cream cones and he brought it over to me and he handed me mine and said "let's go eat somewhere else and eat."

I nodded and we walked for a bit until we stopped by an old Oak tree in full bloom. He looked around which I thought someone was following us so I looked but didn't see anyone so when I turned I seen a blanket on a ground and Y/n pulling out a picnic basket seemingly out of nowhere. He set it down and sat down as well and he let his wings come out which I thought we were being cautious. He looked over his shoulder at me and said "you can sit if you want to. I have PB&J sandwiches and water if you might be thirsty or hungry still"

Y/n pov
Gah my wings. I forgot how bad it hurts to have them pushed against my body for long periods of time. Thank Satan no one is around here besides me and Emily. It would be extremely awkward if a human seen me with my wings out. I patted the spot next to me which Emily took a seat. She looked at me strangely which I remembered I had my wings out. I said "ooh I see why you're looking at me's because of my wings." Emily nodded and said "what happened to keeping our status on the down low?" I sighed and said "well...having wings crammed against my back while being restrained of movement causes me a lot of pain. I wasn't gonna put up with stiff and painful wings all day so I had to get somewhere to let them out." Emily responded "can't you...well...I summon them for the time. I said "let me give it a shot. I closed my eyes and imagine retracting my wings but when I opened them they were still there. I looked at Emily and said "it seems like coming to the living realm made me unable to retract them into my body so I'll have to deal with it. Try extending your wings real quick. I want to see if both of us were affected. Emily nodded and she closed her eyes and I seen a golden light but when it disappeared she wasn't able to extend her wings. I said "looks like both of us were affected by the realm hopping." I brought one of my wings out and set it in my lap. I wanted Emily to have a souvenir to remember me by when we depart. I plucked one of my many feathers and said "here Emily this is something you can always remember me by for when we depart." I handed her the feather and she nodded. I started to gently massage each wing one by one to loosen them up before we go to the beach and dinner. She looked at me and asked "this may sound like an inappropriate question to ask but can I touch one of your wings. I promise to be careful and not cause any discomfort. I nodded and I gently laid one of my 6 wings in her hand which she gently ran her fingers across it but it caused me to tense up because it's extremely rare for me to let someone touch my wings. They're extremely sensitive. With each stroke a wave of pleasure washed over my body. She must've noticed because she asked "Are you ok Y/n you're a bit red on the face?" I took a second to catch my breath and said "yeah...just not use to the feeling of someone else touching my wings...their quite sensitive to touch and it is making my heart throb every time you run you hands on my wings." She grasped the situation and immediately stopped touching the wing and started apologizing profusely.

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