Setting up the meeting and slumber party

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4 hours after last chapter

Y/n pov
I was on the roof looking at my phone and I went past all my contacts until I landed on my mother's contact. Please don't answer. I tapped on her contact and put my phone up to my ear and heard it ring a couple times and I heard her say "hello may I ask who this is?" I sighed internally and said "Uhh hey mom it's me. Can we meet somewhere immediately...and hopefully somewhere private?" She said "Sure...I have a bit of time. Where do you want to meet Hun." I said "do you have somewhere in mind?" I heard pages being flipped and said "how about the heaven embassy?" I said "Sure I'll be there in 10."

She hung up and my wings shot out and I flew straight to the heaven embassy and I entered. I then had a flashback from last time I was here." The golden scroll floated down from the sky and I signed it which it vanished and I watched the doors open and I walked through and heard them close behind me. All the lights came on and I was honestly still stressing from earlier that I gained some bags under my eyes in that short amount of time."

I watched a rift open and my mom stepped through in her regular outfit." She seen my mental and physical state which she walked over to me and took a seat next to me and she asked "First explain why you look horrible currently." I said "Let's just say a bunch of sinners broke into the hotel I'm at and there was a massive fight and I was extremely stressed." She wiped the dust from the hotel debris off of my outfit and she put her hand on top of mine and asked "Why did you want to have a meeting with me?"

I said "Well Charlie wanted to have a meeting with the angelic court about the possibility of Sinners being redeemed. I told her to talk to her father Lucifer first and I'll ask you if you'll at least hear her idea out...And your probably gonna hate to hear this but...Someone impersonated the big guy upstairs and manipulated Emily's mind to become a fallen Seraphim like the rest of the kings of hell...And on top of that it seems like Adam left his second in command down here during the last Extermination and I did tell Lute that possibly during this next Extermination she might get to go back...But I realized that She and Emily won't be able to return due to being stuck down here for so long that the angelic court will assume that they were tainted and won't be able to go do you understand why I asked you to meet me without any outside intervention."

My mother hugged me and said "you've been burden with so much since the last time we seen each other that you're being overwhelmed with everything that's been happening. I'm sorry that you're suffering so much."

I just hugged my mother back and felt tears begin to prick at my eyes and broke down in my mother's arms. She rubbed my back and said "Let all that stress go hun...just let those tears flow." I was breathing heavily and said between sobs "I-I don't k-know w-w-what to do a-anymore m-mother. I-I'm t-t-tired of a-all this c-c-chaos thats h-happening" she started to rub my back and comfort me. After like 10 minutes I cried everything I could which my mother lifted my chin and thumb away my tears. She said "I'll let Charlie tell us her idea. But do you know who might been the one that manipulated Emily's mind?" I nodded and we separated and a rift opened and I pulled out Satan's file which I tapped a couple times."

She nodded and asked "Are you gonna join Charlie when she meets will us?" I shook my head no and said "it wouldn't be a good idea because Adam and myself are already at each other's throat after our meeting last time with him. He's most likely gonna target wherever I am or the hotel first...So if I go Adam and me are most likely gonna fight then and there." My mother said "I'll keep him in line and I hope you can control your temper with him...because I want you to see Heaven at least once in your life." I nodded and said "If you can control him then I'll go and I'll do my best to prevent myself from attacking him." She smiled softly and said "That's good to hear hun. I'll be eagerly waiting for when you come. I'll see you and Charlie next week alright?"

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