Chapter 3: Whumpy Much?

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I took the chance. I knew it was a risk. I know Minho would pay for it. I knew I would pay dearly for it. But I yelled the warning. Hoping that someone in the Right Arm camp was watching.

Janson had lost it. Minho started screaming in my ear. And the last thing I remembered was something solid slamming into the side of my head.


I woke up with a groan. My head was pounding and I had something dried and cacked to my head. I was back in my room, tossed onto the bed. Slowly and cautiously I pushed myself up to sit. My head was dizzy and my stomach turned. There was dried blood all over the white sheets. Clearly they tossed me in here and left me. I had no idea how long I was out. The blood was dried. So I assumed I was out for a while.

Cautiously I pushed myself to the edge of the bed and got up. My legs were shaky, but I wobbled my way over to the small bathroom. I did my best to wash the blood out of my hair in the little sink. There was a set of clean clothes, again the standard white cotton pants and white shirt stamped with WICKED.

I changed. And started my way back to the bed when there was a loud scream that broke through the quiet of my cell. It was so sudden, and scared me so bad my legs gave out and I collapsed to the floor. The screaming stopped and a sore tired voice screamed for help.

"Jess! Help! Help me!"

"Minho!" I cried. I got to my feet, spinning in circles. I didn't know where it was coming from. I was alone in my cell.

The screaming continued. Minho screamed and cried for help. His voice a mix of incredible pain and pure raw fear.

The screaming changed. It was female. Screaming, shrieking and crying out for help.

"Sonya!" I sobbed.

I ran to the bars of my cell, but I slammed into something solid. There was some kind of clear invisible wall that was just in front of the bars. The screaming continued; screaming, crying for help, sobbing, pleading for the pain and suffering to end.

There were more voices now. I could recognize Minho and Sonya, Harriet, Newt, Thomas, Jason, Aris, Frypan, Jorge, Ann even Sammy.

Everyone I cared about, they were all screaming for help and I could do nothing. I was stuck in a cell, alone. I was beaten and bruised, helpless and feeling hopeless. I screamed and cried, beating on the invisible wall. I cut open the side of my fist, smearing blood down the wall as I slid down, giving up. I crumpled into a ball, clamping my hands over my ears. I screamed and cried. For the first time I sobbed and pleaded for it to stop.

It didn't. It went on for hours. I eventually went into shock. My eyes not seeing, my ears not hearing. My brain couldn't process much. I was curled in on my self rocking back and forth. I couldn't tell anymore if the screaming was still from them or me or just in my head. I stared at nothing. I had no more tears left. My voice was gone, I could taste the blood from screaming. My entire body shook.

Someone at some point came. They squared down beside me.

"Jessie. Come on. It's over. It's all over." They pride my hands away from my ears.

"They have him...they have Minho. They have him..." I continued to whisper.

"They can't have him, I'm here."

Involuntary Victim - Book 3 in Jessie's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now