Chapter 12: Did...did you just..?

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🌶️🔥Spicy kissy scene 🔥🌶️

Minho and I sat in the sand on the beach, listening to the waves lap against the shore as the sun slowly set. Minho had his chin resting on my head, and I had my ear pressed to his chest, is arms wrapped around me, and mine under the hem of his shirt, my hands pressed against his bare skin, I felt for the first time in months, safe. I kept exhaling deeply, like I was trying to get rid of all the fear from my body. 

"Hey...wanna go back and have some supper?" He finally broke the silence. 

I whimpered and turned my face into his neck. 

"We wont go to the mess hall. We'll eat somewhere quieter. How about we grab a few guys and have a bonfire?" 

"That sounds better." I said quietly, "There was too many people all at once." 

"I understand." 

"I'm sorry I'm so difficult." 

"You are not difficult." He pulled away and lifted my chin, so I had to look at him, his nose brushed mine gently. "Jessie, you are healing and recovering. I wouldn't have it any other way." His voice was quiet and gentle. He kissed my nose and then both my cheeks, and slowly left little gentle kisses up my nose to my forehead, and then all over my face. They were gentle and soft, and tickled. For the first time I giggled. It was small, and nervous, but I made a noise that wasn't a whimper or cry. He smiled against my lips. 

"I missed your giggle. I haven't heard it in so long." He muttered. 

"I forgot I could make that sound."

His hands slid to the side of my neck, his fingers buried in my hair, he tipped my head back. He looked down at me. His eyes were intense, gentle but focused. His goofy lopsided smirk, slid into a serious and solum look. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine. He just paused and looked at me with such a passion it made my cheeks flush. I could feel the heat in my chest and rise up my neck and into my face. I felt the tight note in my chest and the ache in my gut loosen even more. The Minho in my nightmares never looked at me like this, the nightmare Minho screamed and spat horrible things at me, he never spoke gentle and reassuring, he never looked at me like he actually cared.  

"I love you so fucking much Jessie." He whispered, it was quiet, but full of emotion. "Like... I- I... don't know how to put it into words." 

"Then show me." I whispered back, my voice shook. I was nervous, and felt flustered, my heart had jumped into my throat, and my stomach was on a wild roller coaster, not from fear or feeling sick, it made me hot, and tingly, it made me not want to move, the feeling made me want to kiss him again, and giggle.

"For the rest of my shuck life.'d let me." 

I opened my mouth but no words came out. I had to blink a few times. 

"Minho..." I managed to squeak. 

I just felt his chest rumble in response. His hands still cupped the back of my head, his thumbs gently brushed my pale skin. 

"Yo- you just...just purpose. Real or...not real?" I managed to finally get out. My heat was slamming into my chest so hard it almost hurt. I felt really hot and dizzy all of a sudden. My hands had to grab onto something, which happened to be his arms. I held his arms tight, trying to keep myself grounded. A smirk slowly appeared on his face, his eyes softened from their burning intensity, 

"And if I said real? What would you say to that?" 

I opened my mouth but had to close it. I tried to swallow, but there was a lump and my mouth was dry. I felt a sudden rush of emotions, it was so overwhelming it came out in the form of a stifled sob, and my eyes filled with tears. 

Involuntary Victim - Book 3 in Jessie's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now