Chapter 18: Last Minute Rescue

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"Jason!" I screamed. "Stop the truck!"

I had flung the door open before the truck was even fully stopped.

"Jessie, wait!"

I didn't. I flung myself out of the door and ran towards the jeep. The screams of the cranks in the distance. I couldn't leave them behind! I ran towards the smashed Jeep, towards the cranks; I ran towards danger, but towards my family. I hear movement inside the jeep and my racing heart slowed down.

"Everyone okay?"

I skidded to a stop, breathing hard, and crouched down. "Guys?"


"No it's the grim reaper." I snapped and rolled my eyes. "Yes it's me. You guys okay?"

"My hand." I heard Newt whimper.

"Is it broken?"

"No, I don't think so...but it buggen' hurts!"

"Fry, cover your eyes. Jessie, back up!" Thomas demanded. I backed up and he kicked the glass out from the window. I went to the other side where Newt was and tried to open the door.

"You okay, man?" Thomas asked, crawling out of the window.

I heard Frypan groan, "Yeah. You all right?"

"Newt?" I asked, the window was smashed, but the door was so bent I couldn't get the door open. "I need your help."

" hand!" I could hear the pain in his voice, he had wiggled his way out of the seat and to the door. Thomas had come around to the side and tried to help me open the door.

"Wait! Thomas! Thomas, the door!" I cried, trying to yank it open. The screaming cranks echoed through the tunnel. I heard Jason trying to either turn the jeep around or back up.

"Can you get out another way?"

Newt turned his head and winced.

"Newt, you all right?"

"Fry, go around."

Newt was stuck and I didn't know how bad he was injured. He seemed reluctant to put pressure on it.

"I'm trying to get out!"

"I know... Just a second."

Thomas and I grabbed the door and yanked it with a frustrated growl. Newt threw his shoulder into the door at the same time and the smashed door finally opened enough for Newt to come rolling out. He lay on his back for a second.

"Newt, you okay?" Thomas asked, clasping his good hand and hefting him to his feet.

"Yeah, I think so."

I looked over the smashed Jeep, "Fry, you good?"

"Oh, shuck."

The wild screams of the cranks were heard, much much closer now. I saw a few of them standing up on the abandoned cars. Screaming and shrieking down at us.

"Well fuck." I muttered. Fry dropped back down to the ground and crawled back inside the jeep.

"Frypan, I think we gotta move." Thomas cried.

"Now!" Newt agreed.

The cranks were jumping off the cars and other things, the crowd was forming. All wild past gone cranks.

"Wait a minute!" Frypan called back.

"We don't got a minute!" I screamed. I had pulled out a hand gun from my hip.

Involuntary Victim - Book 3 in Jessie's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now