Chapter 19: The Trap

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The trucks made it down the mountain slowly. I had to tell Jason to stop the truck once, I scrambled out and threw up. Winston came and patted my back.

"Dang car sickness!" I muttered. Hoping Winston and anyone else would just leave me alone after that.

"Dang, Jess, you need to sit in the front seat?" Sonya asked, she was frowning in concern.

"I'm okay...we're almost done with winding and turning." I lied.

Sonya nodded and we climbed back into the truck. The other trucks had stopped once they realized we had fallen behind. Jorge led the group the last bit of the mountain road. And then it was flat ground and it did help settle my stomach. It was another half hour until we made it to the city edge.

Our caravan slowed down. I could feel the apprehension growing. Something felt off. Jorge stopped the truck. Ryan pulled up and stopped followed by Jason. Everyone got out.

"Something's off." I said immidiatly.

Jorge and Bucky nodded. Jorge grabbed a communication device.

"Hans! Come in Hans!"

There was static. Jessie could feel her apprehension growing. The feeling of something very wrong was growing. Making her queasy stomach worse.

"Hans here!" A sticky voice called back. "Who is this state your code!"

Bucky grabbed the com from Jorge.

"Hans this is Sargent Barns. Code, Red Alpha Wolf. You're Dr Bernard Hans. Code, Blue, Doctor, Omega."

"Sargent Barns! What are you doing back? I though we were evacuating? Did you come to help?"

"Explain!" Bucky barked into the communication device.

"It's dangerous out there. It’s crazy out! It all happened really fast. Like they’ve been hiding and waiting for a signal or something. This morning the police were overpowered and the gates were opened. Some Cranks from the Palace joined them. They’re everywhere now."

"What's everywhere?"

"Cranks, my boy! Cranks!" Dr Hans yelled.

"Shit." Bucky cursed. He glanced up at Jorge.

"Most of the team here evacuated. But we're still trying to get a hold of Vince. But most communication towers are down. The city is over run, even the main gates to the inside part of the city are busted wide open."

"I'm going in." I said folding my arms. "No one has to come with me. I'm not making anyone risk more then they have to. But I'm going."

"Not alone your not." Jorge said turning his dark eyes on me, he narrowed his own and watched me.

"She's not alone." Thomas said.

"Nope." Winston added.

"Shuck no, we don't leave family hanging." Jason added. Every other Gladers nodded and folded their arms. Jessie felt her heart squeeze. These people, they were all willing to face a city of cranks for Minho.

"It's not just one guy." Thomas said, "were going in for all the other kids, and immunes WICKED is rounding up."

"I'm going to kill Janson."

"I wouldn’t take more than a couple of people. The more you have, the more likely you’ll be seen." Hana's sticky voice said. "And I’d go soon if I were you. The later it is, the worse they are. They’re killing anything that moves." He paused, there was more static. "but like I said, if you're going to, you can't take more than a couple of people. Those Cranks spot a big group of fresh meat walking around and it’s all over. Weapons or no weapons."

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