Chapter 7: The Rescue

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I fled the room. I couldn't handle it anymore. I didn't even know where I was running to. I just needed to go. I smashed the door to the storage room down, grabbed a big bottle of strong alcohol and fled. I ran out of the Right Arm camp. Running down the beach as fast as my legs would let me.

Finally I dropped after I couldn't keep up the pace. I let out a wild sob and scream right from the depths of my soul. I screamed and cursed and cried until my throat was sore and I lost my voice.

Jessie was terrible. And with that last warning...that last TV appearance she wasn't going to last much longer. Rat Man was going to loose his patience with her. It had been eight months of her being stuck there. I yanked the cap of the bottle off and chugged a good amount of it.

I sat staring at the ocean for a long time. The alcohol started to take over. I felt my head spinning and my vision started to go fuzzy. Tears slid down my face, I finished the rest of the bottle. I just sat with such a heavy heart. I lost all hope. There was no way I'd see her again. Janson was going to kill her.  I tried to get my fading mind to try and to remember her laugh and smile, the way she squeaked when I kissed her hard. The way her eye kids would flutter. How she automatically curled into my chest when we slept. I eventually passed out, my hand holding the necklace tight.


I came around with a sharp gasp. I sat up with a wild roar. Someone dumped freezing cold water on me.

"Get up. We gotta go."

I groaned. My head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach.

"Fuck off." I growled. Feeling extremely sorry for myself.

"Get off your ass and move. If I can walk for three days with my insides trying to fall out, you can walk back with a hang over."

"Why? Why do I need to go back, Winston?"

"Because you moron." He sat down beside me, glaring at me. "Why do you think now if all times Gally and I showed up?"

"How the hell should I know?" I snarled.

"Because we came to help with the rescue!"

"What rescue?"

"Slinthead." Winston growled. "Jessie's you idiot! And the rest of the kids. We came to help with her rescue. Gally and I with the others from Several outpost in the Right Arm figured out where they were holding her. We didn't trust the air waves, so we came in person. So get up off your drunk ass and move."

It took a long time for my brain to process this.

"Wait what?"

"Did you think we were sitting on our butts out there? No! We've been working too. We found out where she is. And after that..." Winston waved his hand around, and looked out to the ocean waves. "Bucky, Vince and that Jorge guy decided to get her now."

I tried to get to my feet. "I gotta...I need to..!"

"They left already." Winston said flatly. He hadn't bothered to move. I flailed and collapsed to the sand again.

"What? Who? Who left?"

"Everyone in the rescue mission left."

Involuntary Victim - Book 3 in Jessie's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now