Chapter 13: The Hunter and the Wolf

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We walked back to the little village, hand in hand. I shivered, my wet hair made me chilly. Minho wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into this side and kissed my temple.

"I still can't believe I get to call you my fiancée." He whispered into my hair.

I hummed happily. Tipping my head a bit, I looked up at him trough my lashes and gave him a smile.

"Just think, a month ago I was trying to kill you."

He chuckled. "Wasn't the first. Wont be the last."

"True, who says romance is dead." I grinned cheekily up at him.

He laughed, his dimple showed and his eyes creased, and kissed my forehead. "Love at first sight is over rated. Love at first attempted murder."

"Swept me off my feet."

"I did quite literally swipe you off your feet."

I frowned and pulled my eyebrows together. I chewed my lip trying to figure something out.

"Out loud, Baby."

"" I frowned and stopped walking. Minho stopped and turned towards me, his hands on my arms. "In the made me trip." I looked up at him, my forehead scrunched. "Real? or Not real?"

Minho's concerned look slid into a cheeky one. I cocked my head, even more confused.

"Real." He said, his smirk made me confused.

"On purpose?" I asked.

"Real." He smirked again, his voice was light, and full of a mischief that made the corners of my mouth tip up, despite how confused I felt.

"Explain. I...remember...yelling at you. And we argued. I hurt my ankle."

"It was greenie day. We didn't like greenie day. I had to carry you back to the glade. I didn't mean to actually hurt you, but...It worked out." He chuckled and pulled me closer, his arms snacking around my waist. "I got to help the mighty savage, and then Newt and Winston got together and made us share a room."

"We kissed at the fire. That was real.." I whispered.

"Yes. It just happened. We were...arguing. It was kiss you or shake you. Dang Jess you made me feel so...." He trailed off.

"Wild." I said quietly.

"Yeah. I felt so uncontrollable around you. Still do."

" showed me that tonight."

"I'll show you again." He raised an eyebrow at me.

I gasped and smacked his chest. "Dude. Control yourself."

"Can't. You make me wild." He growled, and nuzzled his face into my neck, making me shriek, and try to wiggle away. He just pulled me closer, grabbing me around the waist, and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped.

"Minho!" I cried.

He just slapped my ass and laughed.

"Put me down!" I cried again, trying to wiggle away.

"Is everything alright here?" A deep stern voice asked. Jorge slid out of the shadows, followed by Vince, Ann, and Bucky. The guys had their arms crossed, and frowns on their faces.

Minho stopped walking, a smirk still on his face, and turned towards them, I was still thrown over his shoulder. I stopped fighting him.

"Are you two alright?" Jorge asked again.

"Never better, actually." Minho smirked. I finally managed to wiggle down, I glared at Minho, but the smile kept trying to push through.

"What happened? Where did you guys go?"

Involuntary Victim - Book 3 in Jessie's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now