The coming of school

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Winter soared trough the sky along with his sister that he dare not speak of, icicle, the name inspired admiration along with a small amount of fear from the lower circles. And along with him came his beloved scavenger pet, Bandit. Winter had found him quite a while ago and even built a small cage for him that took him days to build, and winter thinks it turned out quite nicely. "WINTER" Icicle called to him with a frustrated tone "wait- yes what" Winter blurted out, surprised by the loud noise caused by his sister that interrupted winters peaceful viewing of the mountain range that surrounded them. "Come on ass sniffer you're going the wrong way" " My mistake sorry Icicle" "whatever dumbass lets just go" Icicle said with a slightly more relaxed annoyed voice. Winter had not been paying attention to where they were going since he was not the one that had the map, it was in fact icicle that had it. Reason being was because, in the words of his father, "too dumb to follow a dragonet let alone follow a map across Phyrria". Winter made a slow descent along with his sister, making sure not to be too rough with the cage holding bandit. 

   As the couple flew downwards, Winter could make the outline of more dragons, from this altitude he could not tell which tribe each of them were but the closer he got the more he could tell who was what, and most annoyingly however, he could hear the loud, reckless noises of the filthy dragons. 'such disorder I bet they haven't been disciplined once in their entire lives' winter thought with a tone of dismay. As the royal dragonets landed winter was immediately hit with the slight chaos of the stampede of dragons that we're eagerly moving towards the entrance where a rather large Mudwing and a smaller Sandwing, and they looked to be giving out papers of some sort to the dragonets moving their way inside. As winter was moving along with his sister that was leading the way a clumsy, rather small Rainwing dragonet, ran and stepped rather harshly on Winter's tail and seemingly didn't notice that she had done it in the first place. "HEY, WATCH IT RAINWING" Winter yelled with anger in his voice 'How dare this dragonet even dare come close to me, let alone have the audacity to step on my tail and nearly get impaled due to her stupidity on my Lucius set of spikes on my tail!?' Winter thought with anger. "Oh, come on don't be a party pooper this is exciting!"  

'Exciting? who could call this place exciting? this place is just a small bandage trying to cover the large wound that was the war of Sandwing succession, how vain of an attempt' Winter thought with a annoyed tone that could rival that of his Father whenever winter did something wrong in his eyes. "Are you really getting pushed around by rainwings!?" Icicle said while laughing hysterically. "I was no-" "Save your breath little brother, I already know what happened" icicle said while cutting him off. Winter decided not to continue arguing, it was not worth the trouble that it would bring. They had finally reached those two dragons handing out the papers. "Welcome everybody to Jade Academy, take one of these papers to have an introduction and get to know the school!" the smaller Sandwing said with excitement in her voice. Winter stopped in front of her to take one of the many papers she had next to her." Oh!, prince winter it as an honor for you to be here!" 'She better address my arrival as an honor' a part of winters brain spoke against this statement though 'she is just trying to be nice don't be an asshole' winter ignored both of these thoughts. Winter carefully read the paper, making sure not to miss any details. "Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy this is the place of learning and acceptance which means that there are going to be 5 winglets each having a different member of a another tribe where you will be staying with for the rest of the year" as winter was reading this a smaller, different Sandwing came next to him and took a pamphlet. He had a set of freckles across his face along with a scar, he also had a gold ear ring in his right ear, with all of this he carried a warm smile and was quietly humming next to him. It wasn't loud enough for other dragons to hear because of the VERY AUDIBLE noises that all of them we're making but just loud enough for him to hear. It was rather relaxing winter thought with a small smile beginning to form on his face. Winter quickly halted the smile formation and looked away from the Sandwing, trying to forget he even existed. However, a small little voice in his head, one that rarely spoke, spoke up about this 'Come on say hi to him he seems like a nice dragon' the voice said 'NO I will not associate myself with a Sandwing' Winter thought trying to smother this voice by simply being louder' 

Winter did not have a long time to think about this subject however, because that same sandwing spoke to him "Hey uh snow butt, can you please move im trying to get the paper". 'SNOW BUTT' winter thought, 'HOW DARE HE' but before he could react, that little voice did it for him, "Oh, I'm sorry let me move". Oh thankyou" the sandwing said, strangely though the sandwing looked a  little happier after Winter replied to him 'What.Have.I.Just.Done' winter thought with spite and a mix of confusion in his thoughts. But it was useless what's done is done. Winter had spent too much time here so he tried catching up with his sister while trying not to make Bandit puke because of the motion of his cage. He eventually caught up with her, she was standing next to a nightwing that was giving out yet another paper. "Come on you-". Icicle stopped herself as soon as she realized she was next to someone with a position of power within the school. "Oh is this your brother?" the nightwing said with curiosity almost visibly taking over her face. "Sadly yes" Icicle replied. The sentence was not uncommon when he was around his family so Winter was un affected by this, he was already far too used to it for him to even think about it. "Oh ok then, well here you go this is your wing, these are the dragons you will be sleeping with and your room is on the far right of this hallway" She then pointed to the hallway on her right. "Sleeping with other dragons?" winter said with Suprise. "Thats right!" she said excitedly. 'There must have been some mistake, don't they know who me and Icicle are? don't they know we are royalty?' Winter thought. Before Winter could protest about this decision he was told he needed to go now as he was holding up the line that was behind him. Winter let out a heavy sigh as he watched his sister go the other way to her wing, he then proceeded to go to his. While walking he had almost stumbled into the SAME SANDWING FROM BEFORE!?. His gold-colored scales were being reflected by the sunlight from a nearby window making a beautiful sight upon winters eyes. "Oh it's you again" "Yeah yeah leave me alone and go to your wing" winter said ignoring all the weird thoughts coming into his head. "Hey by the way i never caught your name, what is it?" the sandwing asked. "Prince winter" "Well then your majesty" the sandwing said with a bow, "My name is the mighty Qibli of the sandwings nice to finally meet you" he said purposefully mocking the concept of Winter being a prince. "Yeah, Yeah just go away. Now." Winter said in a vain attempt of shaking off the rather annoying sandwing. "Oh hey" Qibli Sayed as he looked at winter's paper. "We're in the same wing!" "Please tell me this is some weird sandwing humor i've never heard of and you not being serious" "Oh im serious look" Qibli said then proceeding to to point at his paper"  JADE WINGLET the paper said with a giant font. "Are you fucking-" winter said while putting his talon over his head in dismay. "Well come along now Snow butt we've got to meet the other dragons in our winglet" Qibli said. 'This is going to be a loooong year' winter said with a defeated tone. 

BTW i prob should have mention this earlier but the artwork is not mine and this is my first book CRITISIZE ME IF YOU NOTICE ANYTHING WRONG I WANT TO GET BETTER AT WRITING AND CREATE ENTERTAINMENT.

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