When disaster struck

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Winter awoke from his slumber after a loud bell woke everybody up disturbing Qibli and Winter's cuddling. Winter noticed Turtle getting up and seeing both of them. "If you say anything i swear" Winter told Turtle with an antagonistic tone. "Tell what? I'm not seeing anything right now" Turtle replied. "Thank you, Turtle," Winter said with a sigh of relief. "You worry too much Winter" a drowsy Qibli said. 

Qibli tried getting up much to the dismay of a comfortable Winter. "Come on you big oaf I gotta get to class" Qibli said after Winter tried to get him to stay. "Just say you're sick or something" "That won't work Winter and you know it" Qibli retorted. Winter let him go and watched him group up with Kinkajou, Turtle, and Moon. ' I wonder if Kinkajou or moon noticed' Winter thought but judging by how both of their body language it looked like a no. 

The days were uneventful leading up to Winter being able to attend classes again. it was pretty much the same cycle of sleeping, eating, sleeping again, eating again, bathe, talk, and sleep with Qibli, which has become a regular occurrence and thankfully Turtle never spoke a word about it. The only real note Worthing thing was that Moon was becoming more and more agitated to the days leading up to him being released. By the looks of it, Moon was beginning to lose sleep because each morning she looked exhausted and struggling to even stand. Furthermore, she became less social and more antagonistic, snapping at dragons when they say they're concerned for her wellbeing.  

Finally, they arrived at the day where he was allowed to attend classes again and headed to the prey center with his now small group of friends. They made it in, got their food, and sat down. Winter sat in between Turtle and Qibli with Moon and Kinkajou on the other side of the table. ' Yeah, you like being squished by male dragons don't you~?' that little voice came up. Winter no longer argued with it, he just accepted it was going to say bullshit every once in a while.

Winter ate his meal while noticing Moon was just staring at hers, not even making an attempt at looking interested by it. "Hey Moon, are you sure you're ok?" "yeah, you can tell us moon" both Qibli and Turtle asked concerningly. "I said I was fine stop asking me" Moon snapped at her concerned friends. "You saying that is just making me even more concerned because you snapping at us is not you" Turtle said while Qibli agreed afterwards. "ugghh" Moon groaned. "It's nothing you need to worry about!" Moon insisted. The trio get going back and forth all while a silent Winter and Kinkajou watched until the bell rang for classes to actually start. 

The classes themselves were mostly uninteresting except for art, hunting and music. Art was simply calming and fun, hunting was necessary, and music was also fun like Art. When lunch came his winglet went to the same table once again. Except this time nobody really asked Moon about how she was doing instead they talked about food, the dragons they liked (except for Winter and Qibli) and generally how things were going for them. 

Winter went to the next classes, feeling bored with each of them except for music, until finally it was time for the last class of the day. Winter was about to make it into History class before being stopped by a frantic Moon and Qibli. "Please don't go in there Winter!" "What? Why?" "DONT QUESTION HER JUST MOVE" Qibli said before shoving Winter back before proceeding to try to frantically get the dragons inside the history cave outside as it was half full while moon went to go block the other dragons from coming in. Qibli realized that he needed to help moon because dragons were just shoving her out of the way, so he ran behind Winter.

But their actions were futile as just seconds after Winter was stopped, the cave Erupted into a deafening explosion where fire and guts flew out, knocking Winter back about 10 ft and into Qibli's ass.  Winter tried to quickly get up from his very awkward landing spot but couldn't. His eyes were burning and watering up from the smoke, he could only hear incredibly loud ringing and nothing else all the while he was coughing so violently, he only went backwards furthering himself into Qibli for about 10 seconds until he finally was able to get up.

Winter sprinted into cave and was met by a horrific sight. Webs, the history teacher, had his jaw hanging by a single thread of flesh and half of his face was blown off and only blood-soaked bone remained, his ribs were exposed, and he could very clearly see each organ that was supposed to be in him scattered on the table in front of him. Compared to the rest Webs had it the easiest, because the students, or what was left of them, were just blown up remains. Tattered limbs and heads were scattered about the cave along with guts, blood and gore. The ceiling was collapsing a bit but not enough for the entire thing to cave in. Some corpses looked to be crushed by the ceiling.  This sight would make the hardest of dragon's sick. Winter almost threw up but stopped himself from doing so 'Come on Winter you have a job to do' Winter reassured himself. Although what job did he had? he wasn't completely sure. There was a hefty amount of blue fire near the back where presumably the explosion occurred. 'Why is it blue instead of orange?' Winter thought briefly before continuing. 

Winter got to work putting out the fire with his ice breath before Moon, Qibli, and a few other dragons came in and were met with the same horrific sight as Winter had and one dragon was not as strong as Winter as he understandably puked at the sight. Moon put one of her talons over her mouth and began silently crying while Qibli still stared at the mess unblinking. Time has seen to have frozen because it was moving so painfully slow until Clay turned it back to normal by urgently telling everyone to leave. 

Winter moved out with the group of dragons with a long unblinking stare as he moved out 'What monster would do such a thing?' Winter thought as he walked out the blood-soaked cave. 'I wonder how their parents would react when they hear about this' Winter thought grimly 'I could not imagine having your dragonet whom you love very dearly, who you sent off to a school to learn how to accept other dragons got turned into an unrecognizable pile of gore'. Winter made it out of the cave and was met by traumatized dragons some were crying, a couple were in a fetal position, and the rest were as white as bone. 

Winter sat next to an unmoving Qibli who sat on the floor and stared downwards presumably deep in thought. When Winter sat next to him Qibli went and buried himself into Winter and started crying profusely, because he was not able to keep it in anymore. Winter did not resist in the slightest instead he just put his talon onto his head, giving him slow head pats that went down a portion of his neck and back up. 

Winter turned trying to see where Moon was, he wanted to ask Qibli how they knew this was going to happen, but he very quickly realized this was not the time nor the place for it. Tsunami and Sunny came rushing in from the hallway then moving next to clay who was still in the doorway for what was left of the history cave and was met by that sight. After this everyone was told to leave immediately and go back to their rooms, and everyone obliged. 

When Qibli and Winter made it up to their caves Qibli quickly flew up to his cliff and cried. Winter turned to bandit's cage where a fear-stricken bandit was shaking violently. Winter went up to Qibli's cliff and huddled next to him. Winter put his wings over Qibli and saw that he was shaking violently like Bandit, not because he was cold from Winter but from the sight that he witnessed. Qibli was beginning to calm down a little his crying was dissipating but he still didn't look up at Winter at all. 

"Don't worry Sand snorter" Winter said with a calm tone "Everything will be okay, you're with me so let your worries go" Winter said to Qibli. "I-I knew those dragons they were good dragons; they were all funny and- and" Qibli failed to finish his sentence and resumed crying. "It was all m-my fault i didn't get them out in time" Qibli said while crying. "Shhh Shhh Shhh" Winter hushed Qibli. "You did the best you could Qibli it wasn't your fault" "T-thankyou Winter" Qibli said as he beginned to stop crying "I'm glad I have a dragon like you right now" Qibli said, making Winter blush. 'Don't worry Qibli i will figure out who did this' Winter thought with determination. 

Hey sorry for not uploading yesterday so i tried a little bit harder than usual for this one.

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